No it was unfortunately a movie
No it was unfortunately a movie
Ardyn killed your bros. That’s why they show up at the end to lend you their power in the “after life”(?) to defeat him.
I just changed the wake word to Echo which rarely comes up in conversation around my apartment. That is until we started playing D&D and then everything was ruined with constant “I didn’t understand the question”s every couple minutes.
I want a shirt of this. Is it on Redbubble? Would you put it there?
Interesting article, I skimmed it briefly but look forward to getting back to it later today or tomorrow.
I tried this. But I read all 15 books of the Dresden files since Nov.
Let’s talk about conservative elitism.
My sister’s first child has my sisters name as a middle name. The second kid has my name as a middle name. And the third has my brother’s name as her middle name.
I don’t understand the 1st Economy guy (or gal) that complained that the only jobs are part-time or contract. If I were out of work so long I no longer got unemployment...scratch that because I would never be so fricken lazy! I’d have taken a contract or part-time job in a heartbeat just to keep going while still…
I’m lactose intolerant so when I bake I make everything with weed coconut oil. Works great, tastes great. Just have to keep the temp a bit lower because of coconut oil’s low burning point.
If I could put a bag over his head or have all the lights off (and nothing coming through the windows/door) I’d one night stand with him.
The bug problem in my apartment makes it necessary to store everything in the fridge. That and the lack of cabinets and counter space. Here’s my scheme: if I want to eat it soon it goes in the fridge. If I’m not feeling it, it goes in the freezer. Needs to be ripened? Well fuck me.
Obama is sticking around DC because he needs to hold Drumpf’s hand because “the Donald” is an idiot. Many places have said he will stay on longer than any president with his successor.
As a witch I feel like I do have a bit of experience in with potions.
Love potions don’t make love appear out of nowhere, they influence the attraction of a person and amplify it, but they do not do what Disney or Fairy Tales say they do. It would work if her attraction is based off something like money I guess.
How drunk do you think she has to be to let him touch her? Not even like full on sexual just like how drunk does she need to be to hold his hand or kiss his cheek.
And then they will go right back to voting Republican in the next election. (Local or national)
Not just a guy thing. A girl I hooked up with did it too, post-coitus which was like “WTF?”