
Oops...*slinks away in shame*

Except everyone hated True Detective season 2.

Are you retarded? You do know that NO it fucking wasn’t going to get refunded and it hadn’t been in months...The shit fucking ended months ago....Its called being a fucking adult, they got Chip funded and in 3 weeks if the Republicans try to go back on their shit, Trump gets 2 government shutdowns in 1 year and Chip

White people use a lot of things, Republicans don’t vote for giving them everything. CHIP extension is a thing they delayed 4 months. Democrats didn’t get a 3 week extension on it, they got a 6 year funding bill. The rest of the CR lasts 3 weeks, so...what leverage did they give up? They got a thing they hold as a

Where is your evidence tha CHIP was going to be funded? They already let the program die on the vine while passing a trillion and a half tax cut, then claiming there’s no money left. The republicans had zero interest in funding CHIP if they didn’t get something out of it from the Dems. They could give a shit. Orrin

Announcer: The best catch you’ll ever see!

I respectfully disagree. I am less worried than you for the following reasons:

But how does that feed the Outrage Machine?


Is Ansari a rapist? I’m not defending his actions whatsoever. They repel me. But perhaps I’m going by a different definition of rape to you.

My dad’s divorced and I think he’s a pretty good guy.

The fact that you’re conflating a harmless striptease scene with the molestation of a 12 year old girl is staggeringly dumb.

Jamie Lee Fisher?

Jamie Lee Fisher?

Dude, adults do sex things. It’s adults doing sex a movie. They aren’t connected, much less exploitative. You’re a fucking goon.

If he’s worried about sexual abuse by religions, he should be calling on people to burn down the Vatican.

He’s being ironic. He’s taking on the persona of the guy suing. It’s not even a Poe’s Law thing.

It’s like 17 different people who’ve never met each other post on your account.

You keep bringing up the Wonder Woman screening without disclosing how it actually concluded. Two official complaints were made to Austin’s Equal Employment/Fair Housing Office, and Alamo Draft House admitted that its advertising violated Austin’s antidiscrimination laws. It settled one of the complaints in part by

Hey, points to the guy for actually getting out of his house to try and make life miserable for women. He could have just stayed home and done it safely from behind a keyboard like most internet pieces of shit.