He is the way truth and light, unlike other 2 there were actual witnesses.
He is the way truth and light, unlike other 2 there were actual witnesses.
Dude doesn’t use serial/oxford commas in his articles but will use 20 commas in place of em dashes.
Franklin’s explanation sounds refreshingly straight forward. Here’s hoping both teams fall into the ocean.
I was just thinking about Conor Oberst & what he went through five years ago. If that had happened now, he wouldn’t even get a chance to clear himself.
+88 mph
I was sad to see you go, and then you had to go ruin it with your soft G bullshit.
The fuck is wrong with flip flops and shorts?
WHAT?!? This is an outrageous take! Cargo shorts and flip-flops are fine. The tell is being shirtless at a place of business. Double-asshole points if you’re talking shit through the shirt you should be wearing while someone sits atop of you to calm you down.
Part of me is proud she is fighting the good fight; part of me cringes at her “thank God for abortions” and “have 20 abortions...we’ll throw a party”. No one person has the same experience when they have an abortion, but mine was not a party. It was relief, yes, but also pain and regret and naivity. Regret that I…
Seems pretty simple...if you want to go through to the next round, don’t lose your last game.
Oh good this guy made it.
Listen, nothing will every top Mahershala Ali. That’s just a solid fact.
No it’s not. Even if I could forgive the blandness that was Danny Rand (and I don’t blame the actor for this, just lazy writing), the absolute poor camerawork and action choreography on what should have been a gold star martial arts series was unforgivable. Case in point: 56 cuts in 35 seconds
Best scams in baseball
Dumb enough to attend live golf I would imagine.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to buy into a marketing slogan from a piss beer company as something you should yell out as a catch phrase?
She’s alright.
I agree with Skyler, but think you’re way off base with Carmela. She was just a different flavor of narcissistic garbage than Tony and her MIL.