dear god, how exhausting it must be to see the world this way.
dear god, how exhausting it must be to see the world this way.
Ah, shit, cool... a racist?
If you are going to disingenuously downgrade my comment to “all religions are weird!” then why spend so much time on a very well written and nuanced response?
Saying what I said is the least edgy thing to say in the past 1,000 years since it’s been proven that religion is profit.
Brainwashing children from the start? OK...(sunday school).
Most “churches” are cults, though. Scientology and Mormonism get the brunt of it because they are sooooo young.
LVT is a self-aggrandizing child-man somewhere between Jeff Coons and Donald Trump.
Glamorama was the boring porno.
But, Less Than Zero is/was fantastic.
Keep being the least-educated football blogger in all the football blogs.
On behalf of all White People, Inc...just shut up.
Have you ever called the cops on a non-white person?
Have you ever had the cops stop you only to be let go?
Have you ever seen the cops mistreat people who were not white?
Three Yes’s mean you don’t get to comment on this post...just shut up and soak it in...
OP said it was a relief for her, too.
nah, there have been other games.
Luke Cage has been such a solid rock. JJ season 1 was great...season 2 meh. Both seasons of Daredevil have taken me a year plus to get through; so much slow in the middle. Punisher was predictable as hell. Iron Fist was embarrassing. Defenders was fine.
This is so goddamn sad. Deranged = paying $150+ to show everyone your ULTRA MEDAL DERP I FINISHED.
I used to CRUSH Vienna Sausage...then I had Chi brats and now I’M SUCH A SNOB FOR NOT EATING ABSOLUTE GARBAGE!!!!!
oh shut the fuck up
Delicious...give it to me in all its plaid bow-tied glory...
Herman. Paging Mr. Herman at the front desk.