Not a skateboard, but something tells me your goal was to bring out the pedantic in us all. sk8ordiebro
But, you don’t eat meat, so you AREN’T hypocritical. All the people who gush over this story, but don’t think its strange to eat sacred cows or other mammals that are smarter and more sociable than dogs, are hypocrites. It’s pretty simple...dogs, horses, cats SO STRANGE...cows, pigs, deers PASS THE SALT!
Slaughter is meant to be done quickly...are you serious?
Read: We are so desperate for free media play AND WE GOT IT!!!
yep! you have to float down whatever river you find yourself on. love it. it will be rich, white, armed men against high school survivors and they are currently holding 24 hour marketing meetings on how to respond. I love it. and jesus fuck, fuck your thoughts and prayers and thank god/satan/vishnu/spaghetti monster…
If they paid $500 for hockey seats they deserved to be kicked out.
I’m not OK with what ESPN did, but please don’t call this “news” for fuck’s sake like the ghost of Hearst is out there buying his competitors and shutting them down.
“While eating “gluten-free” has for some reason turned into the hip thing to do in recent years, for him it’s a serious health concern...”
From Pitchfork, earlier today: The idea of a Prince hologram was floated by Prince’s sister Tyka Nelson last April.
Safe bet you follow every joke with, “...well, ACTUALLY...”
Keep your head up, buddy. It’s better to want to comment on this blogger’s self-aggrandizing posts unprepared than try to come up with a snarky comeback akin to his strain to fit in every new Thesaurus word he learned for the week.
This is how you try to get your laws made into policy with a Republican-held Congress. Doing nothing and allowing the gov’t to remain shut down not only keeps DACA in the weeds, but causes hundreds of thousands of federal workers to not earn a paycheck.
you mayo chucker...
You are saying so much without saying anything of substance whatsoever.
Cream was/is amazing and Clapton is a fucking afterthought. A jazz-influenced drummer and a multi-instrumentalist, plays-bass-like-guitar vocalist...and Clapton riffing in the corner by himself. Fuck his bullshit paint-by-numbers Fisher-Price “My First Blues Song” affluent bullshit.
Like, you can like, get $80 Brooks at DSW, like.
Same thing with my thoughts on Clapton...the little shit.