Hey, sometimes it’s hard to talk to talk to high school girls until your time in high school is long passed.
Hey, sometimes it’s hard to talk to talk to high school girls until your time in high school is long passed.
Cool. Hey, guys, I found the representative of non-Americans everywhere.
But can he do it on a cold, rainy night in Columbus Austin?
The Premier League, which has seen 4 different clubs win in the past 5 years, is uncompetitive?
Holy shit dude get an editor.
Found a picture of the suspects:
It certainly seemed that Mourinho may have been intolerant because his squad lacked-toes yesterday.
For his fan you somehow didn’t catch the pun I made. Duh.
In general terms, I agree, but guidelines are not the same thing as recommendations, which is what you linked to. Also “may increase” is not good enough. If you work for the organization, please ask them to back it up with official statistics establishing a clear correlation (which I believe won’t be easy to find).
It’s Whitney being Whitney. I can’t think of a single weekend when she hasn’t screwed the pooch in one way or another; the mis-steps are seriously cringe-inducing.
That implies Jezebel cares about their impact or has any sort of journalistic ethics when their parent company wanted to pay tons of money for random “people we think are funny” sex tapes.
I got it mixed up with the other paper that broke a story about a famous man being accused of sexual misconduct. Me culpa. My point stands, though, and your (and Jezebel’s) attempt to deflect from that point based on a trivial mistake is frankly pure cowardice.
Yeah, my bad. Too late to edit. My point stands, though.
You must have been overjoyed to find a reason to deflect my point. Congrats on being the left’s Fox News: partisan entertainment masquerading as “news.”
Oh, sick burn. Way to deflect the conversation. They teach you that in “journalism school?”
I’m conflicted. One one hand, that was the coolest shit I’ve ever seen. On the other, those players kneeling during a foofy pregame ritual was deeply upsetting.
Is it because they feel bad knowing how many times I’ve watched Always Sunny in Philadelphia on loop and don’t want the rest of the world to know also?
I don’t find it to be misogynistic. The women have most of the power in their relationships. The men are portrayed as fumbling, nervous geeks, desperate for validation.
I never said it wasn’t an impressive play. It definitely is. You seem to misunderstand, I am merely pointing out it isn’t as impressive physically as you made it out to be. The actual play, itself, is definitely great and not something you would see often even from skilled players.