
“I would be very careful about exercising your First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Free speech in a Trump administration extends only to fawning praise, not to criticism or dissent of any kind. You knew this when you voted us in.” -said the scorpion to the fucked democracy.

Actually, Hillary got more votes than any candidate except Obama.

I discussed Comey with my husband last night. So do we just pretend he never did anything or...? If nothing happens, does this sort of tampering become the norm?

“Although I’m sure his replacement would be almost as bad so it’s cold comfort at best.”

It is technically possible but then we’re stuck with the vice president, which in this case, might be worse.

This idea that our fellow citizens are innately good people.

You know what, I’m not buying it.

It’s no coincidence that a lot of the people who were raised to believe the Bible means whatever they want it to mean, are the same people who believe Trump means whatever they want him to mean. People like to have their prejudices confirmed, even if they have to do it themselves.

Donald Trump cut a two-hour line to cast his vote at PS 59 in Midtown Manhattan on Tuesday. “How come he gets to cut?” one voter asked. “He’s busy,” another answered.

That’s the whole genius of Trump’s campaign: it’s just a massive MadLibs for angry while folk.

“You see when he says he’s going to ‘Make America Great Again’, he means that he’s going to (verb) the (noun) so that the (noun) is (adjective)! He really understands me!”

Kellyanne told him he could have the password to his Twitter account back as soon as he voted.

“Different viewpoints need to be respected,” he continued, before explaining that the Republican presidential candidate’s positions have been misinterpreted. “When Trump says he wants to ban Muslims, he doesn’t really mean that. That’s never going to happen. What he really means is he wants extreme vetting.”

They are booing what he stands for not because he is exercising his right to vote. I stole a parking spot from a huge pickup truck that had a Trump Pence flag waving in its bed. He parked next to me and was like “Excuse me ma’am I was here first!” To which I replied “Well get used to not being first!” and he laughed. I’m sorry, I am past the point of going high.

A gold “You Tried” star.

I bet Tyler had a lot of “Participant” ribbons hanging on his parent’s fridge growing up.

It’s like $4 for a new one on Amazon. I’ll pass on putting the nasty thing in the wash.

he’s extraordinarily unpopular in jersey

I hope this ends Christie’s political career once and for all.

I think I found the UC’s response: