
As a kid I saw this act at Seaworld Ohio, it was the best part because the animals refused to do anything and were staging an uprising. Some crapped on the stage, on cat flipped on a handler in a ball of fluffy frenzy, several other cats jumped into the crowd and just walked on everybody, the pig (I think it was a

My cat knows a couple of tricks and seems to enjoy doing them so I don’t know where you get this. To teach a cat a trick you start with something that they seem inclined to do and then expand it into a trick. Like my cat will stand up when you say “up!” She used to stand up when we were about to feed her so I just

This is what cats were meant to do, not work. We work, so they dont have to. Whoever is running this circus should be arrested immediately.

I trained my cat to do HVAC and washer/dryer units so these Ukranian broads can suck it

Hee, I’m literally wearing orange eyeshadow right now.

What’s worse is that he’d be the most progressive voice in the room.

Chelsea is a master of the unfailingly polite “fuck you.” She’s kind of my hero.

Every last cast member knew what they signing up for when they hitched their wagons to a vile, racist, pig. Now they’re forever tainted with the stench of Rosanne. They all got what they deserved.

Well, how am I supposed to snort my cocaine? With dollar bills? Do you know how filthy those are? I care too much about my body to taint it in such a manner. 

“Where is the orgasm?”

“She probably didn’t want to be direct about it, but that’s what seems to be the case here.”

Something I wish that would come up with all the #metoo and women’s movement is a conversation about how dangerous it can be to reject men and what we can do to stop that from being the case. Look at burntfoot’s reaction, for example. He got rejected, now he’s angry and calling the girl a “bitch” for not sharing his

...and said that she would talk to me every day and call me at night.

Your concerns are valid and now society is aware of destructive behavior. This is good we are airing this sort of behavior out, one: for women to know it’s their right to have a say in a relationship and two: for males to understand they don’t own anyone in a relationship and to take NO for an answer then move

This sounds... This is an eerie letter to read after the shooting in Texas. Like it’s an alternate timeline from the future.

Also in b4 “why doesn’t she just tell him no why is she leading him on”

I was talking to my (white) bf about this most recent slew of White People White Peopling, and god bless him he couldn’t wrap his head around the amount of gall it would take for someone to call the cops on another person, *just for existing in the same space.* I said the following:

One word, 4 syllables: Synonymous

Two words: Bible Belt

She became dead to me when she disrespected the donut like that.

Brooke says this 52-year old body comes from drinking lots of water and getting a good night’s rest, and not from dieting or insane workouts. Cue YouTube clip of “why you always lying, mmmmm oh my god stop fucking lyin!”