They are boots. Awful boots
They are boots. Awful boots
I am confused. 2 masked men or 5 masked men? This is the first I have heard that there was another woman in the suite. She is locked in the bathroom calling the bodyguard. They tie up Kim and dump her in the bathroom tub - of another bathroom? The masked men know there is another witness there but don’t care .... or…
God damn it commenters! What the fuck is wrong with you people?
“Kim reportedly worried she would be raped”
She’s so unpleasant. I heavily dislike her and her comments on pretty much everything.
Yeah, considering that Julianne Hough dressed up in blackface for Halloween in 2013, I wouldn’t hesitate to assume that her discomfort owed to (at the very fucking least) racial insensitivity.
Yup. Whenever someone starts with “trust me”, I don’t. Julianne Hough is insufferable and her lame-ass contextualization was elementary. We know what you meany, trick.
Nah she meant what she meant. A woman whose body is outside the realm of haughty white chaste sexuality is to be admonished to emphasize how it’s wrong and you wouldn’t dare cause you’re “good” or whatever bullshit thing white women have used to belittle women of color because they’re threatened that they won’t be in…
I will MOW DOWN some pita chips, so I feel you.
Live trap. Lots of local rescues, trap/release programs, animal control or vets offices have live traps they’ll lend out.
He only made the putt because someone in the crowd told the ball to “get in the hole.”
I’m so ridiculously thankful to have attended college before social media existed.
What did they arrest him for? Walking while clown?
“You’re The Pun That I Want...”
“Yeah it was very hard. He was lost at sea and nobody really knows what happened...It’s human to wonder. But you know, those are the things in life you have to accept and let go. Because whenever you go through difficult times, there’s always those concerns. But I live on.”