In Baltimore, we don’t need mass shootings. We just have multiple individual shootings (like the 8 on Saturday) that make it LOOK like we have constant mass shooting events. That’s... fun...
In Baltimore, we don’t need mass shootings. We just have multiple individual shootings (like the 8 on Saturday) that make it LOOK like we have constant mass shooting events. That’s... fun...
I posted not long ago my disagreement that Gigi and KJ are not real models but I’ve seen been reeducated and yeah they’re kind of dead behind the eyes. However Gigi will now forever have a special place in my heart for standing her ground and taking this motherfucker down. The entitlement with which he manhandled her…
I agree. I wanted her to turn around and fire that big beefy guy who supposedly was protecting her. I wanted the beefy guy to run after that jerk and pummel him to the ground. I’m not a violent person, but what that asshole did was not okay. He needs to learn it is far far far from okay.
I wondered if my age was why I like it.
Seriously people? Do you not listen to ANY hard rock with female vocalists? ‘Cause that’s how it sounds and it is awesome.
Seriously people? Do you not listen to ANY hard rock with female vocalists? ‘Cause that’s how it sounds and it is awesome. I’m kind of impressed that Lady Gaga gave this style a try. Always love people stretching themselves and trying something different. Also, you are doing yourself a major disservice because there…
Interesting read! I definitely did not expect this amount of Ariana stanning, I will say.
As a child of 1980's MTV, I love this song.
I unintentionally assault people who try to tickle me...
I’m so impressed with her. The incident caught her trained bodyguards off guard but she just started to kick his ass. Good on her.
they’re always the first size to sell out
Hot take: I really hate mediums.
Fucking male entitlement.
The manual seems like it’s the only non-patronizing thing about the car.
Goddamn I’m gonna miss her.
I would die of embarrassment if my mother gave birth to Jaden.
Am I the only one who finds the Smith children insufferable?
If my mother ever wore a grill, I’d kill her from embarrassment.
Sounds like you’re the one with mother issues if you think that a little fucking cussing is excuse for vehicular homicide... or that such a joke is funny.