
I have ADHD and can’t take stimulants anymore bc of medication interactions, and I will tell you that depending on the severity of your symptoms, the healthiest of lifestyles (let’s assume for funsies that Simone’s p healthy) and all of the list-making/meditation/other recommended behavioral changes in the world won’t


Are you her fucking doctor or an actual research scientist focusing on ADHD?

I think it was Laurie Hernandez who did that.

Her confidently saying to herself “I got this” before rocketing herself onto the balance beam made me tearfully mutter “0h, wow” before she did her routine.

I am an awful human on so many levels simply based on hard I laughed at this.

I’m sorry, I just wanted to see if it was possible

That is a fantastic cover for a horror movie for the person who obviously dies first.

was it purposeful though?


I’m a dude, you’re a dude, she’s a dude, cuz we’re all dudes, YEAH!


Mine would be the vegan collective who ate avocados every day but told me cashews were a “sometimes food” due to the food miles, ignored the fact that I’d stopped eating in the house (and told them this) due to their extreme judgement and instead told me of their anguish and alienation at finding non-organic soup in

I have to admit, I was invariably the bad roommate.

So, I lived in NYU’s Third North freshman dorm (I think it’s still the biggest freshman dorm in the country... it holds a little less than 1000 kids) and I lived on an exploration floor that originally belonged to a sorority. So, there were 10 girls on this floor (tw0 levels: doubles, 2 singles... I got one of the

I agree 100%.

Lololol at the underwear on your head!

If it’s weird to kiss your cat, I don’t want to be not-weird.