I thought it was the Rio officials who immediately denied the robbery took place after Lochte & Co. reported it.
I thought it was the Rio officials who immediately denied the robbery took place after Lochte & Co. reported it.
Lochte and co. are rumored to have been in an area where they were not supposed to be, so I can believe this. They could also have been looking for strip clubs or prostitutes. It sucks that they were robbed, but it was odd that Lochte at first denied that it even took place and even odder that Rio police want to…
It’s really Republicare - as they were the ones that stood in the way of what Obama really wanted.
Speaking on behalf of millions of depressives: shut the fuck up, LaToya.
Yup. Fuck Obamacare as hard as can be fucked. I am making significantly less now because my salary can’t keep up with insurance costs. And I’ll be lucky to have it through work in a couple of months so I’ll be getting the “here’s your $10000 deductable bull shit plan that’s all you can afford so why fucking bother…
No thanks, I live in southern Arizona. I’ll be passing on this one. Would much rather be comfortable while indoors and just internally complain about the heat when I’m forced to go outside.
Paul Bettany fucking sucks at diving, but he was good as the Robot Boy in Avengers 2: the Avengening.
Can you not?
Hah, not nearly as bad, but yes. When you're that thin and have not much natural breast tissue to start with, it can be hard to make them look natural.
Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.
Ugh I REALLY wanted Hernandez to win gold.
Congrats to Laurie for earning a silver. And congrats to Simone for being able to save her routine and get a bronze. Simone’s body has to be so tired after so many days of competition.
Nor does rebuilding any city in an earthquake zone (ahem - San Francisco), or a hurricane zone (the whole damn east and southern coasts). We do it because it’s the right goddamn thing to do.
Where do you live? What if your city were destroyed and they told you never to rebuild?
This is incredibly disappointing. It had a rocky start, but his show was really finding its groove and doing important (and funny!) stuff. I hope Larry gets the chance to take his voice and talents elsewhere, a la Sam Bee and John Oliver. Thanks for keeping it 100, Larry.
I have found that mimicking Xena’s battle cry masks the crunch nicely.
“They’re more scared of us than we are of them.”
Glad you weren’t driving. My husband always tells me, “They’re more scared of us than we are of them.” I’m pretty sure they know what they are doing. They’re coming for us.