
Annnnnd reason #49095738002228485 why women and people of color can't trust cops. Thanks for reminding me my lack of trust is based in reality.

There are of course legitimate instances of rape.

We have a rapist folks!!! Ding ding ding ding!

‘The guy has to somehow be under full control the entire time he is shitfaced’

Are you a rapist or do you just play one on TV?

That may be one of the dumbest comments I've read on Jezebel. Thanks for demonstrating that you have a complete lack of understanding about how and when consent can be given.

“Remember in the 80's when we could get shitfaced and not get jail time when we killed people from driving home drunk? Ha ha ha ha. Good times.”

So basically you are regretting the “good old times” when you could fuck a drunk girl at a party and get away with it because everyone “understood” that she had it coming? Do you also regret the times when you could feel up a girl dressed like a slut without her raising a fuss?

you just put on a “i am an acquaintance rapist” sign: you know that, right?

also a guy yells “THAT REALLY SUCKS, LADY!” at rose


They've kept all four Obamas safe for almost 8 years despite their Keystone Kops antics.

I’d go with “sedition” myself.

Yeah it was too much about six months ago. What’s a word for too much too much?

more like pantsLESSfever!! amiright?!?!

Really, RDJ? Nissan?

I have never in my entire life been as lit as Chelsea appears to be on an hourly basis

Yas King!

Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...

I want a parmesan boy for everything.