
Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Whenever they scream about how one day Muslims could introduce Sharia Law, I want to ask:

I agree, but I also feel like a lot of people can’t conceive of another “legitimate” religion actually going against their morals. I remember a short debate with my mother about how gay marriage can’t be legal because of freedom of religion. “What about all the Christian religions who do believe in gay marriage?” I

I wish these morons would just be honest and say that “religious freedom” to them means free reign for Christainity and restriction/suppression for any other religion or belief system. I'd have more respect for them if they were at least up front about their fuckery rather than trying to mask their hypocrisy with a

yeah I pretty much stopped right there. USE A NOTEPAD, YOU ANIMAL.

Agreed especially on the being a researcher but refusing to work with animals thing. I’ve met a few professors who are incredibly accommodating of people like that, but the vast majority have to draw the line and say “this is maybe not the field for you.”

Shut your fat face.

You know Prince would not approve.

fuck dean. ok bye!


It’s going to blow her mind when she learns that non-Hispanic people can speak Spanish and language proficiency is not solely based on race/national origin.

Swiss Cake Rolls or GTFO

Most of the Little Debbie catalog holds up well. My favorite were (and still are) the Nutty Bars, but Zebra cakes, Jelly Rolls, and even the Oatmeal Creme pies are still pretty tasty.

Nearly identical situation. Having "come up" without the internet, Facebook, Instagram, I figure at this point my brain is simply "wired" differently than these folks'. I think I have maybe five photos of myself as a 20-30 yr. old, and no family pictures. The level of self-consciousness in the younger

I’ll do my part to remedy this by posting one of my favorite images of Hillary. Hillary looks like one bad HBIC in this campaign poster.

Agree. I don't follow Insta, but this seems very clear AND sincere. I went "off the rails" plenty at 30. I hope she is in a safe place too. I can't help liking her. Growing up in the spotlight has to be hell. We've all seen what this can do to a young person's view of the world and him/herself. Brutal.

What exactly is Lindsay apologizing for? Bringing her personal problems to instagram? If that’s all it is, I kind of want to hug her right now. She has nothing to be sorry for, and I’m glad she’s somewhere safe.

Bwahahaha! I’m at work and coffee is shooting out my nose!

at least once a week i ask thetallbrunette if it’s weird to have stuff dangling between his legs. he has stopped answering me?
