

Cosign. I stuffed my last one into the bathroom trash can of the hotel I was staying in for the wedding and never looked back.

One should hope!!

Um, where is this from? I’m disturbed and a little ...tingly.

But how scratched up did she get all up in that bouganvilla? That shit is thorny as fuck!

Which shall then lower into a bath of salted lemon juice.

I believe only Republicans have access to The Book of Mulligan.

Putting that in the nausea file. Urgh.

I’d be interested in a study comparing the golden parachutes men receive to those that women receive. Well, maybe “interested” isn’t the right word. I’d like to see the study and keep a copy so when I think I may feel better if I puke, I can just read it.

Sodium is delicious.

I’m fat too and I when people get uncomfortable when I say as much, I say: “I’ve had a lot of fun getting this body; this is sammiches, cake, and beer.” The various crumbs probably add to it too, but I feel like the inclusion is implied.

Seriously! I paid for those crumbs; I’m eating ‘em.

The colonial woman thing made me laugh.

Calvin & Hobbes have always been ahead of their time.

Dude, they make Powder Fresh in an invisible solid.

I mean, my vet is not even 10 minutes from my house and I dread the drive while my cat sings me the song of his people. I cannot even imagine the opera that a plane ride would bring.

The more you know! Thanks! (I love bits of trivia like this.)

Both are nouns that have been verbed.

< off topic >

I’ve actually never had Riuniti but my mother used to put ice in her wine, no matter what kind she was drinking. We used to sing the jingle when she did. It was amusing to us at the time. Now I wonder why the hell she was putting ice in merlot.