I’ma just fix that title for you:
I’ma just fix that title for you:
My experience: once someone finds out I own a gun*, my opinion no longer matters. That gun ownership = in bed with the NRA.
So long as their pockets are lined with NRA money, the GOP is soaked in blood.
I didn’t know it was possible, but this quote made me hate Polanski even more than I did 25 seconds ago.
So the guy who has put a woman on trial (twice) for laughing at him says that universities are shelters for fragile egos?
13/10. Would attend.
Yeah, I don’t understand why this qualifies as art and not just shitty people doing shitty things.
She’s so damn thirsty.
Parenting: you’re doing it right.
Cosign. I’ve always called them peni.
He was also a great composer.
I completely know how you feel. John fucking Cornyn and Ted fucking Cruz are my state’s reps. (Not mine in my own mind; I’m held hostage by these two smegma crumbles thanks to location due to cheap cost of living.)
I feel like GM doesn’t really get the credit for being a talented musician, in addition to being a pop star. I would go so far as to put Prince and George Michael on the same, very, very, very high shelf of talent.
You absolutely are not. I am global warming. I want it cold. And if people complain, they can put more on. There’s only so much I can take off when I’m hot.
Every time they took a ceiling fan down, someone should have forced them to live a week in Texas, in August, without AC.
Amen. She sold her soul to the highest bidder, knowing full well that she was chaining herself to a tangerine scrotum sack with bad hair transplants. No sympathy. Zero.
The whole show really, in every city. Each season, in whichever city, is just a group of the most garbagey of garbage people doing trashy garbage things.
Ahh, um.... oops! I can’t effing stand her. Like, just seeing her makes me irrationally angry, so I avoid mentions of her, news stories, etc. Thus, I had no idea how old she is.
How many faces ago was that Melania?
No way. I thought KellyAnne Conway was at least 49 - 50!