Out of the grey with you; this made me snort!
Out of the grey with you; this made me snort!
Oh, it absolutely was, if his writing is any indication.
That’s always been my take too. I read both of his books (does he have more now?) right before they married and the addiction thing was a big red flag in my opinion.
Ha, awesome reply! We all DO need to be our own friends!
I am single.
Um... is your friend single and into women? Asking for a friend.*
You know... locker room behavior.
Nope. Not weird. Mayo squicks me out too. *shudder*
Or maybe he needs pegging.
J. Peterman still sends catalogues though!
I once worked at a company that did direct accounting business with Osteen and family. No, he does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. This man is a charaltan and a fucking crusty bit of smegma.
I’m not sure if they have a scent free version. This is the one I use, I’m nearly positive. It does have a scent, but I liked the smell so I went with it. I don’t spray it all up in my bidness, just a swoosh or two around (from a good 6 to 12 inches away) before I put on my knickers.
Yeah, sorry about the string thing. But I’m having the same issue if that helps. I mean... wouldn’t that blister after a while?
I can’t stop looking. And wondering how painful that string has to be.
And it smells lovely too! (The Burt’s. And maybe you’re vagine—I don’t know. Heh.)
Well, there was a movement to drain it a while back, but it seems like it really only consolidated most of the swamps into one giant fuckoff swamp that’s going to take at least 4 years to get under control.
I do a quick spray with that (relatively new?) Dove deodorant spray that doesn’t leave streaks. Not that the streaking matters, but since I also use it on my pits, I get the no-streaks kind. I don’t know why I keep hammering on that.
I have just decided you are my friend. I am not a snaaaaaaaaake. Promise.
mushroom mushroom!