Best goddamn line in the bunch!
Best goddamn line in the bunch!
Seriously. It drives me nuts.
Um, think maybe you replied to the wrong person? My rage is towards politicians being close-minded dickasaurus rexes. I get ragey about trans and reproductive rights as well, but because aformentioned dickasaurii rex are trying to trample them.
I get it completely. I have a lot of rage lately.
Keep in mind that the major cities in Texas went blue. I hate to #NotAllTexans for a variety of reasons (one being that I live here but I am not a Texan), but the blame belongs on all that backwoods-banjo red space around the major cities. The majority of us in the larger cities are civilized, politicians…
Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks!
I’ll happily take Duplo, please.
Halo-whatever. You said Spumoni Gardens and now I would cut a bitch for a sicilian pie.
That poster weirds me out. Like, I get that there’s going to be a bit of difference in an artist’s rendering, but damn—what the fuck did they do to her face?!
The age difference is actually the same as it is between JLaw and Aronofsky. 26 to 48. Guess Aronofsky was going for what he knows. Also, Hollywood bullshit.
Amen. I also think everyone should have to work a year in retail, especially a retail Christmas.
If you like very carbonated fizzy water, seek out the Topo Chico. My friend calls it Violent Water because it’s so fizzy. I once used part of a bottle to make alcoholic beverages and then, due to those beverages (and the myriad beforehand), I left that bottle open, uncapped, on the counter. It was still fizzy 8…
Not me. I get ready at the gym at work every morning and the flop sweat is real. (I even take “cool” showers. The water all the way on cold ain’t cold like I think cold should be.) I have a shortie, light weight, kimono/waffle robe that I wear and I roll a dry washcloth diagonally into a roll and tuck under my…
Too hot!!
Exactly. If she had darker skin, she’d easily kiss her 20s goodbye. I’m so fucking tired of this shit.
Can we also add the high five in with the pound?
Fuck. Yes.
I love when y’all post articles like this because the comments become photo-fests of cute animals!
See: Trump and all-gold-everything.