Technically, those were the best chapters.
Technically, those were the best chapters.
I never noticed that. And now I am completely irked.
According to my kindle, i figured out who did it 43% into the book. I liked the first part of the book. The last part to me was like: “shit, I’m against deadline, so anyway this is who did it and what happened the end.”
I star this gif no matter what the context. :-)
Or that it’s her favourite dish?
And a LOT of those 5 stars have no friends and a only a few reviews to their profile, which is rather fishy as well.
Raducan was robbed. Grr. Still bitter about that one.
Yeah, the 1992 cut off was stupid of me. It kicked out Produnova and Ponor.
Somewhat off topic, but because it’s obvious you know your shit and I dig that, I’m curious: who’s your favourite (or one of, or hell—a couple) gymnast from the “good old days”? (Let’s say, cut off at 1992 Barcelona games, no country restrictions, doesn’t need to be an olympian.)
Dang, all the haze of nostalgia just disappeared with that last sentence. :) Very true. All very true.
I do love Amy Winehouse. But I’ll also throw in Pink’s “Glitter in the Air” just for shits and giggles.
This makes me kinda wanna marry you.
My friend danced with her dad to that one and it was really sweet. I had no idea who did it, so I was pretty happy that her “guest favour” was a cd of all the music they played at the wedding, including that particular tune.
Friends of mine used it as their first dance, but that was also way back in 2001, so I hadn’t gotten sick of it yet.
I would like to witness this. And join in, if that’s okay.
I do. But I didn’t realise it was alphabetical until I saw the first of the several comments (before yours) from this morning, after which I admitted I’d completely missed the alphabetical thing. (Similar to your missing all of that in the comments before you left your snark.)
It’s far better to have to argue over a load of talented athletes than the opposite scenario. :)
The alphabetical thing flew over my head until someone pointed it out here. Seeing the scores, I get it. I was just a big ole salty asshole this morning. (I’m now hydrated and fully willing to own up to my salty assholery.)
Yeah, I totally spaced the alphabetical thing. (DVR past bedtime, maybe? Maybe just be being a tool?) Crow is being munched on.