
I would like to add that you can clean these with water only if you use a steam cleaner like the one below and quickly clean it out in your utility sink.

I run mine through the dishwasher, about once every five years.

I feel like it’s bad enough watching humans golf. Now people are standing around watching robots golf?

Soft serve ;)

Fromageus Maximus

I think it’s the delicate little flowers that grew up eating nothing more complex than Lunchables. Seriously, if it only takes a little spice in your food to send you running to the toilet, might I suggest broadening your palette (or see a doctor).

What is wrong with everyone’s digestive systems that they can’t handle burritos?

The more I look at it, the more the curves really grow on me.

Great article, however, I disagree with the author on a couple points.

How to make coffee and save the environment at the same time.....