
I love watching that old machinery running. Oh yeah and the old Indian Scout too!

My supicions confirmed! Now do “borken”!

Had an update to WIN10 make my start menu and TaskBar Alert thingy disappear completely, never to be seen again. Had to search for the fix and ended up just reinstalling the apps bundle through a command line instruction which resurrected it and fixed the problem but I sure as hell am not impressed if the OS starts

I’ll try the backing soda next time but...

“Yeah but microwaves cook from the inside out!”

I think I would be more concerned for the fate of the South Koreans who would likely bear the brunt of His Glorious Leaders final meltdown.

OK, there you go North Korea. Wanna think twice now about lighting the wick on your ICBM armed with nukes? LOL Now everybody put your toys away!

Hmm, seems to me that some no talent blogger who needed some attention and likely some readers, but can’t get them the normal way, baited Elon and sadly, Elon nibbled. It’s good to be king! Elon rules!

OUTSTANDING morning aircraft porn! Thank you Tyler!

Is that a set of forceps holding something onto the engine???

In the ‘survival’ skill vein, try and learn an old trade or skill that in the event of ‘wtshtf’ you can be self sufficient and needed in the community.

Lotteries and their ilk are a tax on the stupid...

Watching this actually made me feel sick to my stomach. I can’t believe the stupidity of that driver nor the stupidity of the bikes driver to be passing like that. Right or wrong where is the fucking common sense on either persons part?


They are flying frickin’ RATS. I too despise them from the day my wife and I got out of the truck ready to go on a night boat cruise and a seagull unloaded on her as soon as she stepped out of my truck to all the times they waited for me to finish washing my vehicle and then >splat<. Little bastards, I love the

Got me, bazinga!

Nope, can’t do it! Disagree that is. Looks like a BLAST!

LOVE the Kriega line - that which is available here in Canada at the local rider supply - but find the prices a bit, how should I put this, OVERINFLATED? All I could afford was the tool roll because, yes, I am on a budget. So after I bought the tool roll, I went out and bought two Condor Outdoors E&E bags, sewed my

The book “A Twist of the Wrist” by Keith Code (Eddie Lawson wrote notes and comments, Wayne Rainey wrote the foreword) I believe helped me overcome some inherent fears and some beginners confusion... many, many years ago. That and tens years riding and two accidents later, I learned a lot. I’m not sure how relevant it

I’ll be amazed if this gets published but back in the day (80’s) we used to call these “Chinese Wheelies” or “Endos”.