Snow is sort of like dirt right? Anyone with a dirtbike who lives somewhere it snows has wondered if there was a way…
Snow is sort of like dirt right? Anyone with a dirtbike who lives somewhere it snows has wondered if there was a way…
The following are at a minimum, even if it's 90+ degrees out. I'm in the "I'd rather sweat than bleed" category. I'll switch to my 2-piece leathers if I'm going on a dedicated ride or the track, obviously. Also, in my opinion more people need to add earplugs to their regular set of gear. From what I hear, Tinnitus and…
Take one mad shoe-magnate-turned-auto-racer. Add an 845 horsepower all-wheel-drive 1965 Ford Mustang. Call it the…
I personally accepted the counter offer after I gave my resignation, and only later realized that my employer was just buying himself time to find a replacement for me that he could pay less to. Three weeks later, I was without a job, and the other opportunity which would have been better was gone. I advise against…
Never accept a counter offer. I assume you've given much thought into the decision to leave your current employer, so don't ignore all of that in favor of a transient benefit.
I learned to type on a computer and always double space after a period, except when my tablet or phone autocorrects the double space to a period plus space.
Because sometimes one worries for a good reason, it's important to be able to take honest stock of your performance. For instance, how was your last performance review? Were there things you needed to work on? If so, how is that coming along? If you are going to query your direct report on how you are doing, stick…
Lithium batteries will do a good job of holding their charge for a year if left in a drawer with 80% of a charge. It's leaving them discharged that causes the problem by letting them drop below the 3.0 or 2.5 volt per cell cutoff threshold, after which they will show zero volts and not charge due to the protection…
I agree. So often it's how someone says something, rather than what they said, that really hurts the other person.
No No No. NO.
As we hunch over our computers and phones, lean forward to cook and wash dishes, and generally just continue aging,…
Every fall, my parents would take me to a local pumpkin farm. We'd pick out some pumpkins, pose together in the Halloween-themed cardboard cutouts, feed the goats, and end the day with eating caramel apples. It wasn't exciting in the way a trip to Six Flags or Disney would be by any stretch, but it was something I…
Your family probably has big traditions for things like holidays, but daily and weekly traditions can be just as…
It seems no matter what I do it's going to be a mess. Even pb&j doesn't go down in a tidy way. I'm not complaining. A big part of the sandwich experience is the mighty chomp and the devastation that follows.
Good to be a mammal. Maybe it's better to be a komodo dragon or a croc or a shark. But I'm not one of those,…
A peak deceleration value of 92g, or 75g or whatever is fairly meaningless on its own. A lot depends on the period over which that acceleration was experienced - 90g experienced for a millisecond would only slow you down by 2mph, you would barely notice it.
This is all well and good Ford, but uh..... How about bringing us at least a half ton Ranger? You know, for those who don't want to spend $40k on a truck who's capabilities they won't come near to ever using?
It's a military prototype... It will eventually travel through time and space, but for now it will remain as TURDIS.