
Daniel Eugene Osman (February 11, 1963 – November 23, 1998)[1] WAS a Japanese-American extreme sport practitioner, known for the dangerous sports of free-soloing, rock climbing without ropes or other safety gear

ECO terrorists, every last one of them. But at least they are doing something beyond wagging a finger and complaining that 'someone should do something' about this. As misdirected and criminally irresponsible as it is, at least someone took action.

I believe da Vinci also was able to actually make visible and reproduce the vortex patterns in water making something invisible visible for the first time?

People are just going to have to learn to ramp back their energy consumption. It's that simple. Before electricity was widely distributed, we survived. No, you couldn't use your 2 KW toaster but make do with your 500 W toaster... or no toaster. We will have to adapt sooner or later once fossil fuels are no longer

Bad form replying to myself I know but I just had to share with the class! Bought the KLR650 this past Saturday! WooHoo! Can't wait until spring!

There is no other feeling worse than coming home after a long road trip - we left bright and early one Saturday morning all jazzed about where we were going - and driving down the road and seeing your garage door wide open as you return home 12 hours later. I felt sick to my stomach and my wife and I both just turned

Until I read this article I had no idea that oil could be used for this. I mean I literally learned something new today.

What else would you use to get the water soluble flux off the board after soldering?

FB doesn't have to report them, the firearms recognition software that runs in the NSA background does that for them.

For me the end of "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston in the fountain. Yeah I know, I was young. Also, not science fiction but this made my wife LAUGH at me - "The Bridges of Madison County".

Canada! Heck Ya!!!

Very interesting article. I got into locksport about 20 years ago and was shocked at how easy a lot of major brand locks are to open. The current locksport scene makes locks such as these in the article mandatory when just about anyone armed with tools either home made or easily purchased off the internet can pop a

I always leave a basement window open to draw fresh air in offsetting what the exhaust vent hoods remove and the two CO detectors I already have should be adequate. I actually had a problem with the furnace February of last year when the heat exchanger cracked and was not burning efficiently so it would shut down the

Grew up with the Peanuts, I love this! Looks kinda like Wallace and Gromit claymation but somehow better. Looking forward to it!

Am I missing something obvious or how could you NOT have a system, process, procedure - whatever you want to call it, to achieve a goal? The goal defines the system as could the system define the goal.

I have a workshop and small machine shop in my basement, along with laundry, heating etc. and sealed the holes where the heating ducts go from the basement up to the various rooms with spray foam. I've also insulated most of the ducts and enclosed some where I couldn't easily get access to the actual duct.

The dictionary for me. I mean, you can't spell? Read the dictionary. Bored and can't sleep? Read the dictionary.

Search for "you'll fart your guts out" for a rather amusing story about a rather gory practical joke.

I saw this episode and almost wet myself laughing so hard.

RE: the chickens.... ow.