
LOL at the white Bronco and somewhere, Steve McQueen is grinnin' ear to ear. Loved this!

1994 Ranger black stretch cab, manual transmission, manual transfer case, manual hubs, beat on that truck 10 years, bought brand new for $22, 222.

After the ice storm knocked out power to our neighbourhood in Southern Ontario and then later our furnace let us down in early February, I'm very happy to have installed a NG fireplace. It kept us surprisingly warm in very cold temperatures.

Just be careful how you react at work. Whether you do a exemplary job or not or even whether you are right or not, you overreact or react in a negative way at work, you're fired/laid off. Otherwise, relax and enjoy the ride, people are going to do what they are going to do regardless of what you do.

Oh, and I checked because I did double space after the period of my first sentence and posting it removed the extra space.

Also learned to type on a type writer (typewriter?) and learned to double space after a period but never gave it a second thought as a way of discriminating against my age. I'll have to cite that in my next age discrimination lawsuit.

Hey! I think i saw this in Red Green's build it yourself guide book "Crap You Don't Need in Your House and How To Build It"!

... and the scissors still in his hand, LOL.

Amazing composure while dealing with the burn and lovely piece of music to burn to. Also, always never ceases to amaze me that they and I sweat profusely in response to eating something!

Geeze, I just remembered in 1988'ish, looking at the green screen of an XT with the "C:\" prompt flashing and saying to a fellow student when I was in college, "OK, now what?"

PROCOMM+ and a list of BBS numbers and then, COMPUSERVE and the INTERNET, amazing how far its come now! 300 baud modem to start all the way up to a 56K USR modem... ahh the good old days.

Terrific habit to get into anywhere as this is also known as "situational awareness" and can save your life in certain circumstances. With practice, your 'gut feeling' that something isn't quite right in an environment is usually correct and might just help you avoid a nasty situation. Sadly, looking around in the

This advice only applies to people who have no intention of helping the complainer resolve their complaint. How to deflect a complaint so you don't have to deal with it? Well how would YOU fix it?

I just fill one of my home sewn Millbank bags for the prefilter, a trip through my Pur pump water filter for the smaller and nastier stuff, a chemical treatment or if I have the time, a boil and presto, clean drinking water.

OK, I don't want to be "that guy" but, if anyone has a copy of this nifty episode recorded, check how they misspelled Hospital (Hopital?) on the cooler of blood Sam has. Come on, does NOBODY proof read this stuff?

Where is Canada eh? We need to know what you all think of us! We, need, to be loved!

So true! My wife and I now have to rate the level of stomach "crampiness" at a chosen restaurant to decide if we're going out to eat. Right now, ALL of the fast food joints are on the "do not go" list. Also, food prep, where were their gloves? You wonder why mild stomach discomfort is now the norm when you eat

If you have to apologize for something then you are not communicating. Most apologies come about because of a misunderstanding, which come about from a lack of proper communications. I can see this happening with people not in a relationship but if its happening to you and your significant other, you need to work on

Full screen, volume up, just had my morning eyegasm! Thanks!

Oh, you just gotta love Pedantically Technically Correct or am I wrong?