
Soylent Green, or Soylent Orange if their all out. Mmmmmmmm, peeeooople....

Having just started out in watch repair, all I can say is "Thank You" for the watch porn. That was amazing. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

My recommendations would be firstly, share a meal with your significant other at every opportunity. In our busy lifestyle it's too easy to forget about that eating ritual and scarf a meal down in our own little corners.

Oh, please, please, please put this on Big Dog! Let the fun begin!

Exactly! I couldn't have put it better myself! hahahaha

I was trying to be subtle unlike some people :)

Oh really, you don't get it... never mind...

Bread is never as good as a wrap or pita pocket when you put the bite on them.

I like to make my PBJ or PBH so both sides are Peanut Buttered and place the Jam or Honey just shy of the edge so it seals the edges of the diagonally cut sammich. It also stops the liquidy bits from soaking into the bready bits. Same for PBB although the banana is usually OK, doing both sides reduces the mushyness

That's me to a "T", thanks, good to know it works.

Higher bars AND lower pegs? Newbie question here but I have seen mods for the various dual sport bikes I've been investigating that involve lowering the pegs and maybe repositioning them back a bit too but is this not more of a mod for the taller riders out there (not me) or does it have the added benefit when

Did you lower the forks and the seat as well? That's what I think I'm going to have to do to get it where I'm comfortable. On the bike and riding is a totally different matter so the seat mod may wait until after I've ridden it for a while.

Nice! It looks like this is the way I'm going to go too after looking at the DR last night, its too small for the two up with my wife and I. Now, if the insurance is cheap enough, soon, very soon and I'll be grinnin' again!

KLR650 was the first I looked at, priced, swung a leg over, love it, but being a short stubby guy, it's too damn tall for me leaving me on tip toe's at a light or worse in the bush :)

A curette on living tissue? Ouch! Bad enough those little tiny spoons! My grandad used to use a tooth pick - what? what didja say?

See, its good articles like this that are making me go out and price DR650ES's (probably) and KLR650's (maybe) and get back into riding again, I've missed it! Keep 'em coming!

Been using my neti pot for this for years but it always takes a while for the water to come out my downhill ear. Is that a problem? Actually a babies ear syringe or bulb works super for me but I'm not abnormally 'waxy'.

Has no one ever died while connected to an EEG? If there is no electrical activity in the brain can we not then assume that there is no perception, function or processing of senses going on? Neuroimaging or MRI of someone who is passing like say, I don't know, death row subjects getting their lethal injections? I

"After the worlds population was virtually wiped clean in the 2020 Ebola epidemic, the sole survivors found small packets of sugary, flour based capsules and perpetuated the species by consuming and spreading the..."

I got hassled because of a pack of OTC PeptoBismol tablets. I even told her they were in there.