
Condor version is likely going to be cheeper than the keyper me thinks, and it shows your blood type.

These are great! Bought one last year and they are super handy for a multitude of things! I used to use what I called an apple warmer - it was a hard had band that I think kept your head warmer in winter by closing off the area between your head and hard hat, pulled it down around my neck, warm but kind of

Nah, you'd have to rub it out a couple of times before bed to be absolutely sure, you never know when it'll pop back up...

Just do it! I'm 51 and find myself super cautious about almost everything 'adventurous' I want to do at my age and typically talk myself out of everything for fear of hurting myself and then not being able to pay the bills. I've rock climbed, parachuted, jet boated, helicoptered, trained as private pilot, skated,

What about Leave No VISIBLE PERMANENT Trace? The moat will disappear in short order, especially if you rub it out as you leave.

Dude! You have flames shooting out your bung hole!


Power Mite power tools, the bench, the hand tools, the batteries... everything

"Yup, we'd tie a length o rope to them so they were roughly in the middle and pull the kitty back and forth thus swabbing the barrel of our cannons"

Also don't forget that some cheap (and not so cheap drills) are only designed to take inline drilling pressure and not lateral pressure. The plain bushing that supports the drill during normal operation will wear out and loosen in no time with a loading laterally to the long axis of the drill. Some drills are built