
The obvious title for the sequel is Joker 2: Electric Jokealoo.

AKA Flavortown

I’ll see myself out.

That is how dating works.

Thing is, when he was a regular on Letterman’s show, Leno was actually pretty funny. He just decided to sand off all of the edges and go full Dancing Itos when he stole the Tonight Show gig from Letterman.

A warrant for his arrest?

Doesn’t redesigning an NFT make it fungible?

I’m assuming their slogan is: Ignorance is Bliss.

And here I was motivated by the incentive of not dying

“I was told there would be hot dogs!”

That’s insulting to shit, which at least can fertilize soil.

Yeah, getting In n Out fries well done essentially means that you’re changing them from fries to crispy potato sticks. They are better when they’re well done, but they still aren’t good fries.

I’ve got friends who do these kinds of team building programs for businesses, and usually it involves doing theater exercises like improv and trust falls. It never quite gets to the level of brainwashing. I wonder what this academy promises with their programs? Your employees will be empty shells who will bend to your

Yet still no news about who murdered Clippy.

I know a couple of actors who have kids that they’ve allowed to do some work on commercials. They aren’t rich and the gigs they get are pretty small, so the stakes are much lower than most of the child stars we think about.

We used to go to Bullwinkle’s when I was a kid, which had animatronics of Bullwinkle and Rocky, etc., and it was a step up from Chuck E. Cheese. But I grew up in Silicon Valley, which is where Chuck E. Cheese got started, so I don’t imagine that Nolan Bushnell appreciated the competition.

His lawyers have already claimed that the accusers were either delusional or accusing him to get publicity. Evan Rachel Wood doesn’t need to talk about this to get publicity, so we know how they are planning to respond to her accusations.

That and the fact that we currently have so much else available to entertain ourselves than going to the movies. Back in 82, there was TV and movies and not much else. VCRs weren’t cheap enough for mass use yet (they cost between about $500 and $900, which in 1982, was a huge investment) and the internet was barely a

I’m assuming that Albert’s stellar work on this movie was what motivated James L. to invite him to be a part of so many episodes of the Simpsons, so mission accomplished?

David Lyncher?

Here’s a story about some people who took umbrage to Kirby depicting Cap punching Nazis: “Another time, Jack took a call. A voice on the other end said, ‘There are three of us down here in the lobby. We want to see the guy who does this disgusting comic book and show him what real Nazis would do to this Captain