
Apparently they’re not allowed to do that if the congressperson is going to a vote, so that’s the excuse that every one of these tools is going to use.

I live in Oregon, and Ruffles All-Dressed chips disappeared from my local stores until recently. I was very happy to see them return.

Ridiculous grievance about liberals taking away their freedoms is all they’ve got left.

Native American nationalism is a fake concept. Tribes never had a nation state. But keep hitting that straw man if it makes you feel better. Stupid is still stupid, and so is defending hate speech.

No, white nationalism is palatable nowhere. It’s stupid. Anti-papism is still hate. And the nation isn’t fragmenting, it’s changing. Get used to it because it isn’t going to change back anytime soon.

Tell Native Americans about the damage of erasing people’s ties to their land. White people don’t have a longstanding connection to the U.S. (we’ve only been here for about 300 years). The U.S. is and has always been a nation of immigrants, populations in the U.S. have changed over time, and what it means to be white

People often treat Philby as if he was the worst of the Cambridge Five because he was in MI6, but Donald MacLean likely gave the Soviets much more information because of what he had access to at the Foreign Service. Philby didn’t stand alone.

Kinda looks like the logo for Wexler-McGill.

Another thing that’s a big issue is that there are a lot of shots that are so crammed with CGI that it’s difficult to know where to focus. Lucas started that approach with his CGI butchery of the original prequels, but at least there I had seen the films enough to know that he was just adding garbage to something that

The money they’re begging for mostly isn’t to pay for this post-election nonsense. Emails from the campaign actually tell people that 60 percent of it is going to pay off campaign debts. So mainly and unsurprisingly, this is about Trump not shouldering debt.

Honestly, they were likely to stop with negative ads at this point anyway, regardless of Trump walking face first into covid. That said, there’s still PACs like the Lincoln Project that are more than willing to go negative on the Biden campaign’s behalf.

Jonathan Nolan as the character/emotion guy? He sure fooled me with Westworld.

In other news, what the fuck was up with Don Jr.? His eyes were all watery and he looked like he was on something. Maybe he is going through withdrawal because he hasn’t been able to murder an endangered animal in a while.

It only works in exceptional cases, like when people mistrust both political parties, half of eligible voters actually take responsibility to vote, the political system is so gamed that inequality is baked in, and a minor reality TV star takes advantage of these issues and play to people’s ignorance and racism, for

Cocaine is science, right?

Because what he’s doing isn’t lying, it’s bullshitting. The distinction being that a lie needs to be constructed like it’s the truth (as in creating an alibi), whereas bullshit is just nonsense and doesn’t need to make sense. If the argument against the fact that what you’re saying isn’t true is just “fake news!”

I’m guessing that their next album will be called Reverse Racism.

It would be hard to convince Trump to step aside. If he were to do that, he’d lose his base, which he needs even if he loses so he can start Trump TV on OANN. That said, Republicans have given up on presenting Trump as even remotely competent. See the excuses that they are making about the Russians paying the Taliban

If you read her letter, you’ll see that she did engage her friend in a good-faith discussion. And pushing the idea that trans-women aren’t women is “becoming more moderate” is not exactly a ringing endorsement of moderation.

A less egregious misjudgment on their part is assuming that Ted Nugent fans might want to read books.