
6k? up here in Canada a truck with 300k on it sells for 10k

Apple does this on purpose to keep up demand. Atleast to make it look like there is high demand.

The winters are harsh? lol pssst ya ok


lol so if you compare Canada to the US we have 10% the population yet 66% of the torrenting.

I find it more expensive... but then again my GF just sits at home and doesn't work and leaches off me... apparently always asking her to get a job is hounding her and she makes excuses left right and centre...

I'm in the same position but its my girlfriend and she doesn't have a job...

I've always been told if you have training in something and you hurt/kill someone it can be considered assault with a deadly weapon because you have training.

lol... I have my email font defaulted to comic sans just because I can :D

lol I've seen it, a guy who didn't look all that comfortable on a bike somehow did this.

Great... so what happens if the iPad decides it doesn't want to work and an emergency happens...

I know in Saskatchewan the person at fault pays for their deductible and the insurance pays for the other persons. Not sure how it works in Alberta.

Sold out T_T

You'd set it up so yes, there was little to no light at night. My dad has a setup that switches to blue lights at night and they are fairly dim

Question.... what happens if someone sexually assaults someone over international waters? You may be in a plane but you aren't in any country...

I'm not saying I don't agree with you. But this guys could get more then some murderers get. I think I'd rather be groped then dead imo...

Thats why they have warnings out the ying yang saying keep away from children and do not swallow.


This is Africa... not the US. They have water problems already, food problems. Most of the continent is to dry to serve up proper crops. Not to mention they pop out kids down there like crazy as it is...