enjoying being canadian and watching this for free online.
enjoying being canadian and watching this for free online.
Or you could just have a beard all the time like myself
I'll eat seals, try some bear and rabbit, Coyote needs to be cooked well to taste good.
I can't comment on the rabbit industry but the coyote industry the animals are dead when they are skinned. Live skinning is way to cruel. Not to mention they live in the wild and are not farmed. They are literally a pest animal there are so many around here. If it wasn't for the trappers the province would put a…
Do most people eat said animals ... no, can you, yes. infact I've heard coyote is good if cooked up right.
whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOAAAAA killed with poison? Not sure where your talking about... around here all of ours are snared and usually killed via snapped neck not poison and are perfectly edible.
You can eat mink... its just not very filling
All of our apartment lots are full of power plugs for this reason. We also have outside plugs on our houses to plug our vehicles in.
I'm with you!
wildboartracker.com Just took the site live but I hope to have alot of points on it soon. Feel free to mark your killing locations on the map :)
You do realize he is talking about young kids marrying young... he was 20 when he married his wife at 16. That's what he is talking about not some 40 something marrying a 16 year old
donno if you have one but we plug our cars in to keep the oil warm. If you didn't thats why it complained so hard.
lol... I leave my window cracked in -30c because its to hot in my room... and sleep in my undies.
I used to stand outside in -40 waiting for the bus everyday... yes I have waited for over 20 minutes somedays. bid deal. All I ever did was layer my jackets and put on a toque.
You can't say anything now adays without offending someone. So I've just stopped caring who gets offended and speak my mind. So boo fucking hoo, he said from his personal experience the black people seemed happy. Again maybe they faked it, maybe they were actually happy or trying to be happy. He was giving his…
I'm just saying he is being honest about his experience around blacks as a kid... if he was an adult back then I'm sure it would have been much different.
from his experience when he was a "KID" could have just been that the black people around him acted happy when they were enslaved.
on my plate for supper :) hehehehe
what comments? that when he was in the fields helping with the harvest as a "KID" the black people seemed happy. Now if they were actually happy or just playing happy while around the white guy is another story. He is simply telling the interview his experience from when he was a child!