You should probably cosplay as GG May to complete the trifecta/inception.
You should probably cosplay as GG May to complete the trifecta/inception.
My first name happens to be May. And I’m super short. So Ive always loved GG May.
Not good enough. PACIFIZE BETTER.
But speedrunners, the crazy people that they are, have devised a way to beat the game without killing a single enemy (apart from the unavoidable bosses, of course).
2D retro platformers are my favorite GDQ runs. Just watched the earthworm jim one and it was great. Castlevania is a highlight ever year as well.
Tonight's Fine Art looks at the skyboxes of Apex Legends
“For the Legendary Edition, I recreated the first Shepard I played in 2007.”
Astro Bot, Demon’s Souls, Ratchet, Enhanced Miles are all great reasons to own a PS5 now. Also if you happened to miss any of the late gen PS4 exclusives they’ve basically all been enhanced now. Finally playing the FF7 remake and finishing TLOU2 on PS5 and really enjoying them. I can’t speak on Xbox though. That…
Yes but Garrus is a few years younger. He’s around 25ish when he meets Shepard, according to Patrick Weekes.
Tbh I think there’s a bit of a fatigue about AAA stuff in segments of gaming. You can see echoes of it from the many comments going about how indies and nintendo had the better surprises this year.
I’ll admit I’m a bit in that category. A lot of the AAA stuff left me rather jaded and it’s only in the aftermath after…
My empathetic take is that maybe Luke is just burnt out on E3 style announcements from having to cover them and doesn’t yet know how to approach them as just a fan watching.
I’m glad for the official announcement that RE8 DLC is coming, but Jesus, the Capcom one was bad.
Metroid is my all time favorite series in gaming by a long ways...but, by all accounts, Metroid games don’t sell. They never have, unfortunately. It’s insanely popular with us, the diehard fans, and apparently no one else.
Based solely on the title on the home page, I thought this was 20 games at E3 missing from MLB and I was extremely confused until I saw the slides. My reading comprehension failed me once more.
From Replaced to Redfall, E3 2021 was full of never-before-seen games
It depends on decisions made in the previous two games. Basically, if Wrex is alive and you saved Maelon’s research, the Krogan will go into rebuild/forgive/cooperate mode. But if Wreave is in charge and you didn’t save the data, then the Krogan will plan on becoming a wave of vengeance and destruction through the…
People dragged Andromeda, but I dare say it got even better there.
Before these comments fill up with posts about the evils of slideshows, remember that, if you make your browser window as narrow as possible, that’ll basically turn it into an article! Not ideal, of course, but definitely a better user experience than click-click-click-clicking through a bunch of individual slides.
One of the best things about the replaying all 3 games is watching the quality of the companion dialogue improve over time. I generally don’t think about who would be best to bring with me on mission, but which characters would enjoy it the most or want to be there and that says something about how well they’re…
The enduring love of Mass Effect is not for its universe but for its characters