I’ve no doubt that he is every bit the genuine and kind person people say he is.
I’ve no doubt that he is every bit the genuine and kind person people say he is.
Would LOVE to know what policies of Mitch and Trump’s he ultimately thought would benefit LGBTQ+ plus communities through overall national improvement.
Microsoft continuing to show their newest attempt to buy their way into a gaming monopoly by making Bethesda games xbox and pc exclusive, and shoveling gamepass on everyone.
Why would that floor you?
They bought Bethesda only very recently. All the money in the world wasn’t going to conjure polished gameplay footage if they didn’t have any to show off at time of purchase.
Not a defense of Bethesda, who I think have poor project management skills, but Microsoft knew what they were buying.
I thought the exact same thing, that it looked so similar to The Last Night, which no one has heard from in like 3 years now. REPLACED is developed by Sad Cat Studios, which has no relation to The Last Night’s developer Odd Tales. Tim Soret, them milkshake duck in question, claims The Last Night is still in…
Halo Infinite, a new Outer Worlds, Battlefield 2042, and lots of new Game Pass games
Yay another NO ONE CAN GET A PS5 post
For better or worse, Ratchet & Clank has turned into comfort food gaming. They upgrade the tech, every once in a while they try something a little bit new, but the meat & potatoes hasn’t really changed much in the last 20-ish years.
This gripping indie game about a massive animal conspiracy in neo noir Vancouver ended too soon
You know John Walker is just his name, he’s not the real U.S. Agent and didn’t harm anyone you loved, right?
Look, I decided to purchase the game the moment I heard about its existence. I don’t need the reviewer to tell me if the game is good or not, I need the reviewer to justify my decision to purchase the game sight unseen and validate the assumptions I already made about how much I’m going to enjoy the game when I…
“Be grateful it’s not held back by 2013 hardware like Horizon and GoW Ragnarok will be.”
The amount of butthurt that this review wasn't effusive praise start to finish -- despite the presence of words like "brilliant", "superb", "the best time doing it" -- because it doesn't do anything with its entire selling point mechanic is some vintage Internet gamer stuff. You know John Walker is just his name, he's…
Yup, this game from a series you love will just disappear next month and you will never, ever play it. Ever.
1. That’s an exaggeration because millions have one, including me.
Eh, they’re gettable. I got mine on launch, my dad and brother got one last month, it’s not impossible.
17 is stretching it a little. To get to 17 you have to count mobile games, remasters, and PSP spin-offs not made by insomniac. This is more like the 10th game, and even then you’re counting a couple short PSN-only titles. We only got one R&C the entire last generation, and it was a quasi-remake itself.
“in many ways it’s the same game developer Insomniac has already made several times over”