
I just finished getting the platinum in Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst recently, and absolutely loved it. Yeah, it doesn’t have a great story, but I actually really liked running around the open-world and finding alternate routes.  I really liked the side missions with dodging the lasers in the security towers.  And one

Yeah, same.  It looks like it’ll still be a good game, but the main draw for Tales games has always been being able to play them with my wife or one of my buddies, so I’ll be most likely skipping this one.

Yeah, same. I played a chunk of Origins and skipped Odyssey entirely, so I’m not burnt out on the series, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with Valhalla.

This is *really* cool!  I really like the goat-cat creature, especially.

Lucky for you, this game is actually a kind of soft reboot!  The main saga of Kiryu wrapped up with Yakuza 6, so this one is still set in Kamurocho, but has a brand new protagonist, so it should be totally fine to jump into!  :)

Add me to the club.  I always love reading Lee’s articles on EVE, but if anything, they make me less likely to want to play the game itself.

I loved all the photos for each cereal!  Some very creative staging going on there.  :)

Haven’t played Legend of Mana in forever, but I used to love making friends play it co-op with me. And, unless there was some way to activate co-op sooner that I never found out about, you had to talk to specific NPCs to get them to join you before the second player could play at all.

Ooh, that’s a game I haven’t thought about in a long time. It was a lot of fun with two people! And made by From Software, oddly enough.

Aw, sad. I’ll miss your K-pop posts! Always a highlight of my day. But good luck in your new job! I’ll have to go back in the archive and find some of the K-pop picks I missed.  :)

This makes me really wish Nintendo would implement some kind of playlist feature for Mario Maker 2.  It would make something like this a lot easier to play through all the levels.  Will definitely be checking these out later, though!

Yep! Agreed. I use this one specifically with my lapboard for streaming my desktop in the back of the house to my TV in the front of the house. It’s perfectly fine for less intense and non-twitchy gaming. If I want to play Overwatch or something online where I actually need the best response times, I’m usually playing

Yep! Agreed. I use this one specifically with my lapboard for streaming my desktop in the back of the house to my TV

Just wanted to say I’m loving this “Here’s Another Pokémon” series. Good stuff, Zack!

I just looked these guys up on wikipedia.  Didn’t realize the drummer was Aric Improta.  I’ve watched a handful of his solo drumming videos, and am a fan of his style.  The drumming on this track isn’t particularly remarkable, but still cool to see.  Sounds like from some of the other comments, the EP is worth

Hahaha, that image is actually the avatar for my profile for my login at work.  Secret of Monkey Island has always been my favorite video game, so I haven’t really thought about how creepy looking that face is in a very long time.

I like your screenshots! Some real nice Tomb Raider and AC ones in there. :)

I still play MPQ every day, but I’ve pulled back hardcore.  I only play one or two matches a day, and it’s been a very long time since I’ve actually tried to place in events or anything like that.  I just treat it as a daily routine at this point.  It’s kind of nice to have, especially after uninstalling a couple of

I don’t know if you’ll still have time by the time you see this response, but I just ordered one now, and it was $29.99 for a new one, sold/shipped from Amazon.

I don’t know if you’ll still have time by the time you see this response, but I just ordered one now, and it was

Very late to getting around to actually reading this, but fantastic article! Nice work.

A very brief scroll through his Twitter had both pictures taken by and of him in Japan, so... Yeah.