
Seriously. If we're going to be in the business of violating civil liberties (which we shouldn't be, but for the sake of argument), we should be getting results, stopping attacks, and keeping stuff like this from happening. But we don't. It's not a trade of freedom for security. It's a trade of freedom for the

"we are giving you hoovers and milkshake machines! What more could any girl be wanting?"

The police interviewed all three girls before they ran away as a mutual friend of theirs had also left the UK to become a jihadi bride. None of them were deemed to be 'at risk' at the time but if these twitter conversations were in the public domain during the police investigation then that should have been a major

You're probably not going to unless it's literally just a repost of an article from somewhere else.

Something tells me they don't get internet access when not being beaten/raped.

15/16 is the perfect age to lure them in. I remember being 16 and being an adventurous, fun-seeking missile, willing to try anything once. You feel more like an adult, like you can hurtle yourself headlong at the world without consequence.

Thanks for the article. I know there are lots of other places for more serious discussion, but I think the writers/commenters at Jezebel provide a different viewpoint than most of the web, especially about women's issues. I like it here and I have seen some really great discussions about sexual assault, parenting,

I actually successfully booked multiple trips abroad with people I'd only met on the internet. It was terribly dangerous. But at least I had tickets back home!


Ummm... the tone of this article was really flippant. I'd love to see some more well-thought out posts about ISIS, how they view/treat women and children, and why/how these girls may have been convinced to leave their (comfortable?) lives and travel to a war zone. I know Jez isn't the NYT, but I think you guys could

This reminds me of the time I saw Lord of the Rings and then I started summoning giant walls of water to expel ring wraiths from Rivendell.

I remember a classmate of mine didn't come to class for several weeks and it turned out she had been a victim of a serial rapist. One of our mutual friends described her experience with the words "assault does not begin to cover what he did to her." When I saw her after those weeks her face was still bruised. Those

I seriously hate how much fans ignore that portion of the book whenever they claim the whole thing is consensual. They get so pissed off whenever people criticize the book, as if this chapter was not on it. Hello! This why people have problems with this series.

lol. Definitely rape apologists. Again, maybe I'm just being SUPER naive, but I really do think people can tell the difference between reality and fantasy, and fiction and non-fiction. If guys are actually confused about it, they're confused because they want to be and they want an excuse to act like monsters.

I know I'm naive and I can be extraordinarily pollyanna sometimes, but I just don't believe that he got this from the film (or the books). I legit don't believe anyone is that stupid or that easy to influence. He probably said it was because of FS0G because he thought it would help him get off or get a lighter

When she says "I agree with Mr. Trump" - is she referring to Donald Trump?

"i didn't get the memo that i don't have any rights"

Stacey is like that aunt that thinks lizard people exist.

I hate her for sullying the good name of Clueless.

As if!