
"Murrka! Love it or leave it! Beat the shit outta anyone with the guts to criticize it!"

Wtf?? How was he not charged with involuntary manslaughter or something? Reckless endangerment? This just boggles the mind. So sad

That's always the answer for you lot isn't it? MURKA LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.
If only you cared about the first amendment as much as you care about the second.

Guns don't kill people. Only Muslims kill people.

I hate kids getting shot in the leg, killed, or killing their parents or siblings because idiots don't know how to responsibly own guns.

See...I'd have far less of an issue with gun ownership if I could trust that the owners were overwhelmingly responsible, rational, intelligent people. Unfortunately, idiots like this, the open carry nuts, and the NRA seem to be doing their very best to demonstrate that at least a very large minority of gun of owners

I tried to google it but, depressingly, too many stories returned for me to know which one you're talking about.

How about the dipshit in Florida who was showing off how fast he could draw his gun in a restaurant when it went off and killed a pregnant woman? Not only was he not charged with anything, he got to keep his guns. Pure fucking insanity.

Unless it was grazed, that kid's leg is gone. A 357 on a four year old leg is like hitting a stalk of celery with a claw hammer.

Why Why Why is anyone in this country casually walking around with a fucking handgun around their 4-year-old?

Because the second amendment is why! And Amurrica, and freedom! And these colors don't run!

Okay, but at some point your parents' upbringing doesn't negate the fact that you & your friends refer to yourselves as "the Pussy Posse."

Angelica Houston was too awesome for Jack Nicholson, Sr

yes the dresses are often fancy and worth a quick chat or so, but still women are simply asked much less the intelligent and interesting sort of questions men are asked. See women being asked about how the juggle career and private life, or being asked why more about their love life, or ScarJo being constantly asked

NOOOOOO, he is too dirty for her

Except she's not American.

Too bad for Harry. Just missed the opportunity to get himself into a relationship with English royalty.

I didn't realize the instagram video looped and thought Rhi was just very seriously blowing out trick candles over and over.

How dare Benicio Del Toro look like a 48 year old while he happens to be 48 years old.