
It's almost as if he couldn't understand that women are humans too.

There was a poster on Gawker not too long ago who was absolutely obsessed with the fact that women on Jezebel had physical preferences. He would write these long diatribes about how the only reason we claimed not to find Justin Bieber and Leonardo DiCaprio attractive was that we knew we were all too ugly to actually

Considering the amount of women I know who HATE their vaginas...

you had me at tailored penis warmers. Why aren't those a thing?

Honestly. And people are ragging Shatner online because he couldn't make the funeral. He was across the country booked for a charity appearance and couldn't cancel! But way to show sympathy to a man in his eighties who just lost a dear friend and peer, haters.


Yes, I'm replying to myself, I know... I just wanted to add on I have the PERFECT protest sign to picket the WBC and I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner, being from Texas and all.

i think i know who was involved.

So...God hated Leonard Nimoy so much that he made him a successful actor with a seemingly rich, full life, surrounded by family and friends and fans that loved him...and then cut his life short at the chipper young age of 83......I think we all learned our lesson now.

I just remember when Fred Phelps died people picketed his funeral with signs that said things like "We're sorry for your loss" and smile with the knowledge that we are winning in the long run.

Weasels are in the same family as badgers and wolverines. They are a half-pint of bloodthirsty weaselly rage.

Picketing a funeral online — truly doing the Lord's work.

This is your occasional reminder that the WBC is not a church, it's a slip-and-fall lawsuit factory. They enrage people at difficult moments, get them to act irrationally, then sue everyone within a 500 yard radius.

Now playing

Am I so old that nobody else knows the song, or did I beat you all to it?

Ladies and gentlemen, I humbly submit this as my nomination for Comment of the Week.

Can you just let us have this for like five minutes before Deadspin comes in with an explainer of why we see the woodpecker as flying and the leaf on his back as a weasel?

This is THE greatest thing ever to be posted on Jezebel, and it will ALWAYS be the greatest thing to ever be posted on Jezebel.