
Lets put this in perspective.

In 1914, when this woman was 15 years old, her continent was plunged into one of the bloodiest and most horrific conflicts in the history of mankind. She would turn 19 before the end of WW1, having probably not noticed much of the conflict in oft-overlooked Italy, along with the last truly

My maternal grandmother was dogged by every widower in a fifty mile radius. She'd go out with them but refused all proposals because it was clear they were desperate to be taken care of—in the "I can't cook or clean anything" way.

The day after her grandfather died my mom walked in on her grandmother singing "My Life" by Billy Joel in her bra and underwear. She said "now I only have to cook for people I like".

This is something I said to my mother recently, when she brought up how she didn't understand how people who were married for so long and lost a partner, then went on to hook up with someone else (my father passed away a little over a year ago). I said to her, you don't know their marriages, they may not have been

Yeah, my mom died 11 years ago, and it devastated our whole family in a completely different way than it would if it had been my dad. We all love my dad and I don't want him to die either, but she was the one who held everything together and got shit done, and he was (we all were) lost without her. He still doesn't

Still staying single for life. Cuz fuck taking cafe of a grown ass man b/c he's too much of a baby to do it himself.

Yeah, and it doesn't even have to be as taxing as cooking all the meals. I remember reading something once that used the example of a sock being on the floor to illustrate the subtle difference in role expectations. The man will walk by the sock, and the woman will pick it up, regardless of whose it is.

My great-grandmother is 108! Same, her husband died in the 70s and she never remarried. She bred dogs and played cards and lived alone til she was 100. She used to have a beer every day with her lunch. She is fabulous.

It's that marriage and family were built upon a woman's sacrifice and never-ending labor. I can't imagine cooking three meals a day, every day of my life. Even when sick. And add in all the laundry and other housework and picayune demands. Not only is it time-consuming but it's so small, so limiting, so boring. After

When I was in college I learned that men live longer and healthier lives when married, but women live longer healthier lives when single. Studies and shit were done. It's science! Do what you will with this information, I'm single for life.

In my mind, it isn't even a result of hating the man you married, it's just hating the idea that you're chained to this man until he dies, washing his narsty undies and socks until finally you're released. The few men I've known who are on in years and have survived their wives have kind of withered and been lost

Hell the fuck yes. I 100% believe that not being married contributed to her longevity, eggs or no eggs.

Not to encourage sexism or anything, but my mum used to be a nurse at an assisted living place, and this experience of renewal (sorry, i know that sounds fucked up) after their husbands died was so common. And it wasn't even particular to the women who were in bad marriages.
With men, the death of their wife would

You do realize that one can have sex and companionship without being married, right?

I recently found out I am allergic to eggs.

This reminds me of my grandmother. She hated her husband and it was only after he died that she really began to live. Good marriages may improve ones health, but probably nothing feels better than having been trapped in a bad marriage and finally getting out. You enjoy life in a whole new way.

My grandmother is 103 years old, born in 1911. She was married to my grandfather at the age of 19, they had five children and were happily married until he died 46 years later. She had several suitors after his death but refused to get married again because "they all want me to cook every day and I'm done with

Damn she cut out death by intimate partner from her risk profile. Then crushed heart disease risk with raw eggs.