
She MUST be a hell of a lawyer. He's "military trained", not a fucking doctor! How would he actually know that what he was doing was just going to injure her and not kill her? I'm sure they don't teach you how to maim people in the military. Isn't your job in the military to eliminate the enemy (when needed), not make

What. the. everloving. fuck.

This is a seriously good point. We're expected to not just tolerate, but enjoy semen (THANKS PORN), but it's totally socially acceptable for a guy to be grossed out by the mere concept of periods.

Her medial expenses would be paid under the NHS and she would receive counselling through it.

Update the headline to "attempted murder victim has to write letter to attempted murderer." Domestic abuse survivor doesn't begin to cover it.

I mean, we can barely get women receiving oral without slapping an NC-17 all over it, so I'm not surprised period sex is still taboo.

Ugh, too many nasty trolls on this post.

Also, how is my period blood more gross than the splooge I tolerate (and some women enjoy!) EVERY TIME. Like, okay, i'm expected to swallow your bodily fluids or let you squirt them all over my body whenever you like every time we have sex, but you can't even bear to touch me the one week of the month you find mine to

My period is like when the elevators open in The Shining. You can't put the mattress in the washer.

ALL of this, and also why is it still refered to as "cosmetic surgery" when its REBUILDING YOUR THROAT. I mean, come on. Not you, just the fact that is what it is called baffles me.

My period's known as "Corgi gets to wear her PJs and no bra for 3 days and drink all of the hot chocolate in the house and everyone can go fuck themselves far away from her. "

Cunniligus Day is every day.

Hey if I get a pussy massage in return that's just great. But I don't think most guys think they have to give around then :/

That story is part funny, part traumatising.

sex partners who thought of my period as "blowjob week."

he pulls her tampon out with his teeth, i think. about as sexy as if he emptied her moon cup.

Only witches bleed their own blood, real women don't even pee or poop.

Meh. I'm a little squicked out by period sex myself, but I don't expect the broader culture to accommodate my sensitivities. I'm not a fan of graphic, realistic violence either, but sometimes it makes sense in context of the film. I'd hold period sex to the same standard. If it makes sense with the plot and the

Blow job week?

UGH the blowjob week idea is beyond annoying to me. Like, let me get this straight—you recognize that my body is doing some funky gross shit that is terribly unpleasant, yet you think that I'm in the mood to selflessly stick your dick in my mouth all week with no expectation of any sort of mutuality? NOOOOOPE.