
My mom lent the books to my grandmother, who claimed she would read them but proceeded to dodge all questions about them. The books were found a year later stashed in a drawer in the hallway, where I presume my grandmother thought she had trapped satan and kept the household safe from his evil.

He is the whitest, male-est, privilege-est modern writer that I know of - and I've read Catcher in the Rye twice.

In college, people "joked" that SAE stood for "Sexual Assault Experts."

But she's not just calling for her work to be reviewed, she's calling for equal treatment. For example, a Carl Hiassen mystery (formulaic fluff by a man for men) will get covered by the Times, but formulaic fluff written by a woman for women will not. If the Times just never covered commercial (non literature) works

Where is her long essay about this, where she really makes a case? She has no case. So she tweets. (...) No case for why formulaic fiction ought to be reviewed in the New York Times.

I don't think that's true about Weiner, actually, at all. I would put her in an entirely different category of writing than, say, Sophie Kinsella, whose novels rely on tropes and stereotypes to push through retreads of old plots and stories. While I wouldn't say she's my favourite author, I do think she's a

hello i am here to consider chris evans

I don't particularly like Jennifer Weiner's books. If I'm going to read "plus sized woman has shitty/non-existent relationship and isn't valued, finds true love and self-esteem and everyone regrets the way they treated her," I'd pick Jennifer Crusie because she does the same thing but funnier. Franzen's not wrong that

When I rewatched Lilo & Stitch as an adult (totally normal thing to do), I was ecstatic at the size of her sister's thighs. I was like, THOSE ARE MINE TOO!

Only as an adult can I truly see how ridiculously stupid, disgusting and horrible it is that children's toys, movies and media consistently sell and market them teeny tiny women with teeny tiny waists. There is absolutely no reason for this to be the case and yet here we are.

Cindarelly cindarelly where the helly is your belly?

I don't know what Disney did or didn't do, but even sans digital slimming, is it a great idea to put an actress into a constricting corset so that the little girls who go to see this movie can see that having an unrealistically (and, for most, unobtainably) small waist is beautiful and desirable? Particularly because

just go with the joke please.

So there is no concrete benefit, it would just feel nice?

They've been doing this surgery in Asia for years. Apparently they can add up to 6 inches of height by breaking your bone, allowing it to heal, then breaking it again. It takes years for the bones to heal properly, and there's an increased risk of breaking your legs once the procedure is done.

Jesus Christ. I am really hoping the agents assured her that she would get a job after all the procedures and has a written contract. Otherwise 33 is pretty late to try to start a career as a model, outside of stock photography, which has no arbitrary height requirement.

I don't think he meant it literally but she took it take way. If someone told me I needed to grow another 12" to be a basketball player, I'd find another profession. Cuz that's what NORMAL people do.

Who the hell is the director of the modeling school?