
How is something who donates money to an anti-gay marriage campaign NOT a bigot?

Is Firefox still run by a bigot?

I'm with you. What's the story with Bounce? Is he winning a prize for being the best damn dog in the UK?

Worse: "Internet Commenter."

Is it wrong to hope this Judge is immortal? Maybe she has a makeup artist to help her with her elder look and truthfully she looks like Julianne Moore underneath it all.....she was turned by Lestat centuries ago and will never leave us. God, this would be an awesome HBO series.

"I think that as more and more people came out and said that 'this is who I am,' the rest of us recognized that they are one of us."

I refuse to judge her for staying in the job she is built for. No president, today or in the foreseeable future, will appoint a justice as unapologetically liberal, feminist, and generally badass as the RBG. We don't deserve her and it's a privilege that she has served this long.

I just thought I would take this moment to share my best Supreme Court justice story.

said she was a 'rich kid' who should not be at Sundance.

YES! Plus he's always complaining about being friend-zoned. If Friends was filmed in 2015, he'd wear a fedora.

I hate Ross. He is the worst Friend. His quirks made him just more irritating, unlike Joey or Phoebe or my third nippled friend.

I'm sorry Kate, did we watch the same television show? Ross was a jealous, pretentious, insufferable dick. His relationship with Marcel was the healthiest he ever had on the show. I imagine an alternative episode where Marcel tears Ross's eyes out and feasts on his empty soul. In summation, #teamchandler!

No. If anyone needs to wear comfy pants, it's obese people. Real waistbands are the devil.

exposes the areola or nipple of the person's breast with anything less than a fully opaque covering while in a public place

You could just, I don't know, not look at people's asses that you don't want to look at, then, like, go about living your life instead of being mad that someone somewhere's pants weren't opaque enough.

People taking photos of strangers' behinds should be banned.

Those are leggings, not yoga pants.

"I don't have a crystal ball," Moore said

uhhhh. hmm. Not even sure what to think of something this dumb.

lol, admit it, he just wanted a chance to talk about "anus region" in public