
I would pay ten bucks per onion for these. No joke.

The USA is proof that science and education cannot overcome fear mongering.

'Rid the gonorrhoea from thine own eye before removing . . .'

I'm 100% sure Jesus does not want War Machine to be part of his club.

"Don't even mess with that Instagram crap, don't even watch porn, all that stuff just makes you lustful and causes you to forsake what you already have."

Ah, the usual language of an abuser, where they never just bluntly admit to what they've done:

Hahahahaha holy shit he's the worst living human.

And even at this point, he has to reiterate how many ''hot chicks'' he fucked. HUNDREDS, he tells us. The self-aggrandizement and narcissism that allows him to feel justified in beating someone nearly to death continues apace.

If he'd truly let Christ into his heart, he'd be repenting and accepting responsibility for the sins and wrongs he'd committed against others, not casting stones at the dirty whores who led him astray. No cake for you, War Machine.

WOW! W-O-W exclamation point. Is it me or does he seem angry & not sorry? He seems more resentful than anything. It seems like he's just playing the game & making it look good but would beat her again in a second if he could. You can tell he thinks he's pulling one over on everyone. Is it just me?

Wow, it's sad how desperate he is to paint a picture that this is all about his struggle with lust and temptation instead of the fact that he violently beat another human being do you get gonorrhea in your eye?

When I get out things will be so different for me.

he's decided to start "living for Jesus."

Sooooo...the j-man intended for Christy Mack to be brutally assaulted so you'd see the light. LOl OK BRO

Yes! Talent has nothing to do with it. Where are you supposed to look? I can't. I just can't! I am literally so uncomfortable even thinking about it. I've dated guys before that were really great singers and were like, I'll sing for just you some time if you'd like. and I'm like...uh....

Now playing

A note to this guy, and all other guys who might try similar stunts:

I love Joni Mitchell. My mom raised me on Joni Mitchell. She is a fucking legend and the world could use more artists with that amount of talent.

oh yeah, i heard about this last year & i was absolutely devastated.

it pisses me off when she's called the female Dylan or the female Lennon when in fact, she is more innovative, risk-taking than either of them.