
The italics make it seem like you are a creepy voice offscreen as the camera centers on the jail building and the credit music starts. does this great weekly feature wherein they debunk all the completely false news stories that have been reported in America that week.

This is tripping all of my "cuh-razy viral news story that didn't play out like this at all" alarms.

But the thing is...a teacher doesn't HAVE to give better or poorer grades, the simple fact that they CAN means that meaningful consent is not possible. This is what the law says. This is what people who work in the field say.

Nah but you can go fuck yourself you whorephobic asshole.

If you respected other people you wouldn't have had "dreads" to being with.

Yes because the teacher was too stupid to wait one damn day.

As far as I'm concerned if it's any kind of high school student (male or female) with a teacher it's gross. Simply due to the power imbalance. A 17 year old sleeping with a teacher is a bit less gross than say a 13/14 year old but it's still gross. The teacher is in a position of power and is the adult so it's not

Sexual abuse is about power. There is a gender inequality among the teaching profession. Therefore, more women in a position of power and authority over children, there is more of a tiny number willing to use and abuse that power for sexual gratification.

It's a product of patriarchal society in that said society tells boys their worth as men is through having sex, having women seek them out for sex, no matter how they might feel about that woman or about having sex at all. Men who don't want to have sex are considered neutered, weak, or "sissy" (all code for gay) and

Yeah, I'm having issues with a para being called a teacher here. They definitely don't have the same training, and most of the ones I know are paras because they can't pass the certification tests to be teachers.

I've done the same and have found people are generally nice if you're not an ass, even if they have distain for the US in general. I mean, I have met people who truly dislike the US, the government, and its image and who were really cool to me personally, because most people I've met are able to accept that not

That's a different and not funny issue so joking about it isn't really a direction I would go in. It was kind of sad, though, how our cab drivers really did assume we wanted to go to the red light district in Bangkok, when we wanted anything but. We never even went to that part of the city, let alone down whatever

these are all probably very important concerns of teen boys :

Shhh. They don't like people pointing out that white people aren't all assholes. It doesn't fit their narrative.

ugh no


Just #whitepeople things

ETA: There should be a ban for all white travelers to South/Southeast Asia under the age of 25, especially if they have dreads or hair that appears to be infrequently brushed.

The main issue is that a teacher is in a position of authority over the student—so how can a student freely give real, meaningful consent when an adult who has the power to flunk them or potentially get them suspended or expelled approaches them?

& the mras will go ape shit & bring this up when there's conversation happening around patriarchy to make it out that it doesn't exist when actually male adolescents getting raped by older women is actually very much a product of patriarchy/machismo