
I am sad for your partners, past and future.*

I hate those people. I hate those people SO BAD. I'm not a vegetarian. I am someone who avoids meat for the most part, because I have 1) serious ethical concerns with how we treat animals in factory farms 2) because of the horrific environmental impact of meat and 3) I like animals. I can't divorce the fact that when

Nothing pleases me more than someone admitting that they have absolutely no idea how vaginas work. Thanks for having the courage to reveal so much about yourself on a public forum.

I mean, you know that vaginas bounce back, right? I mean, that's basic anatomy, right?

That part of the female anatomy STRETCHES, and shrinks back. Especially if you do kegels.

Won't anybody think of the boners?!?!?!

Ah yes, because that's clearly the most important thing about having a baby, how it feels for the guy when they have sex again. *eyeroll*

So I'm an ex-vegan. And when I was vegan, I found myself to be of the easygoing variety. And while I certainly didn't *claim* moral superiority, I did believe the choice I was making was morally superior. And I still think it was, even though I am no longer making that choice. I still believe these animals have done

Too bad you have no knowledge of a woman's body.

Seriously, no one cares about his boners.

Going to join all my sissy anemic vegetarian(ish) comrades in meat-free heaven where we all sit around playing with baby animals and eating falafel wraps. Piglet bless you.

False. Unless he's an ass who believes urban legends.

People get angry when others are different.

I seriously can't understand being this emotionally invested in a restaurant's menu. I mean, at least for the vegans it means there will be more options for them when there are normally a lot less. The meat eaters can literally go to hundreds of other restaurants. If you're this invested, it probably means you're

That's something I truly do not understand. I've heard a lot of vegetarians say that their meat-eating friends will sneak them meat, and as a meat-eating person I cannot understand why you would want to force someone to eat something that they don't eat. What could possibly possess someone to do that?? And it's

You need new friends. That's pretty fucked thing to do.

The classism argument is bullshit. Sure, you can be a veggie / vegan in an expensive way, eating nothing but Quinoa and expensive processed fake meats. But you know what is vegan and dirt cheap? Rice and beans. Animal derived products often cost more than vegetable-based ones, as they should. It's why some products

I'm a meat eater, and super offended by what they did to you. Next time you go over to their house I recommend slicing open a Durian fruit and leaving it somewhere hard to find. HAHA, YOU MACHO MURICANS GET GASSED BY A PLANT!

lol what even is this

I am a vegetarian. I don't bother mentioning it to most people, and I don't get preachy or soap-boxy about it. It's just a personal choice. I do know really preachy vegans though, and they get on my nerves. I also know stalwart meat-eaters, and they get on my nerves.