
"Hebrews" actually. The American line is "There are places where English completely disappears. In America, they haven't used it for years."

Now playing

But it's so much FUN when people argue about the language!

He either stopped using twitter or deleted everything recent. He did retweet this in June, "We're handing out Man Cards for Father's Day tomorrow. If you're wearing skinny jeans, we'll just take it right back," which is like saying, "I pretty much suck." Apparently that wasn't good enough for Brian. Brian wanted us to


These people who push for the 20 week ban are straight up evil.

I know all you guys already know this, but it bears repeating. the vast majority of terminations that take place after 20 weeks are due to severe medical issues. Most women aren't just fucking around for 5 months making up their minds. The anatomy scan ultrasound that can determine whether the fetus is healthy, or

Or financial assistance, or affordable housing, and if it's a girl, equal pay. GOP couldn't give less of a fuck about you after you're born unless you're a rich, white male.

It's like the old saying:

But if that child needs health care or if the mom needs medical assistance thereafter, fuck'em. Did I get that right?

I shall endeavor to live up to the highest of responsibilities :D. There are a few videos of this type out there. Perfect for ripping to audio format to play pranks on people.

Whilst I can't speak for all British people, I don't think we object to others having additional letters. We're totally willing to share them. We just really, really like them. Especially if they make it extra difficult for people to learn to spell or read.

Now playing

I've accidentally attached a URL for a ten hour youtube video for the cat song into notes on a case I was working on. The people who review the notes were highly amused.

I would take a chili recipe over a CV any day.

They should have hired her, tbh.

Hire her immediately. I like the way she thinks.

Multiple, individual failures of discipline by low-level employees starts to look like a pervasive problem at the company.

And they didn't even thank her?

Yep. "You're goddamn right. Now you can continue not billing me because you're giving me cable and internet for free." would have been my response.

I think the difference is "around the office" vs "on a bill"

Like I call some of my clients some colorful names but I'm not gonna send them an invoice like that.