
white people are racist, we are raised in societies that value us above others and it is so hard to see it is literally assumed that being white is normal, while anything else is strange. also, white people are not punished when they are racist, but if a minority expresses prejudice they have the whole fucking world

"completely Americanized"

I'm probably not a member of that family you mention, but I was one of the many refugees fleeing the war in South Vietnam (yes, South Vietnam, not Vietnam since it didn't exist back in '75 when I left as a 4 year old refugee days before Saigon fell; there was a South Vietnam and a North Vietnam and I have family on

After you climb down off that cross, fold it up nicely so it is good to use again (I'm tired of dry-cleaning that damn thing.)

You watch a show (I assume you watched the show, but I have my doubts) about Asians and your takeaway is that whites aren't front and center?

we did not mock their accent or appearance

Someones got a bad case of #notallwhitepeople - itis! Is it so hard to hear about how not all Asian immigrants had the kind, selfless, altruistic support that your community supposedly showed? Do the Asian immigrants who were abused and harassed not deserve to have a voice because it makes you feel bad?

They were so grateful! Thank god for their heroes and saviours and adequate expressions of gratitude!

Holy shit. I'm sorry my Vietnamese family isn't bowing down at your feet at this very moment for being such great white saviors, I didn't realize it was our job to use you specifically as an example of how #notallwhites are racist.


"The refugee family we hosted over 35 years ago are still close friends, completely Americanized, financially successful"


What white people on the show were portrayed as racist assholes? The 11 year olds in the jr high cafeteria? ::tears::

It sounds like your family are good people. But, how many encounters between the Vietnamese family and white Americans did you not witness? What microagressions did you and your family commit (unintentionally) that you can be made aware of now by considering a different perspective?



Seriously. Is this ad meant to make me want to buy a bikini? It doesn't.

have you read the comments from guys calling Kate fucking Upton fat?????????

The fashion industry never was about marketing sexiness. It's much more about marketing insecurity and self-hatred.

LOL "plus-sized." Riiiiiight.