
I hate this guy. Parenting with shame is a terrible thing.

My mom did this to me when I was in the 1st grade to punish me for writing that I hated a girl who was being really mean to me. Then she called the school to make sure that they made me take off the hat I wore the next day. I went from having long blonde hair (which I liked to put up in a bun) to having hair about an

Exactly. It's not funny or cute or endearing. It's bullying. Yeah, if this is the worst thing that happens to a kid, that kid is going to be OK- but most likely it's part of an ongoing pattern. The kid isn't even going to remember the lesson, they're just going to remember the embarrassment. Good discipline isn't

nope. don't like it. why not teach children in constructive ways? nope! it's easier to humiliate them.

Yeah, I'm with you. Humiliating your kids as punishment is cruel, and not the way to gain their trust and get them to listen to you.

Oh, cool, humiliation. No way that's gonna backfire.

if u respond, ur messages get sent back into the q for workers to pick up. we cant cancel ur subscription, we only get paid to reply. also he isnt pretending to forget about ur breakup we legit cant see more than the lsat few messages

This is D level Kinja-ing Quashg. You should know better than to ask without reading a whole thread.

Jeez... even fake men don't know how to take "no" for an answer.

Post-breakup stalking? To make the boyfriend even more real?

I don't know why you're being so negative. This is a wonderful meet-cute to tell the grandkids.

Good for them. A fake boyfriend story isn't complete without some creepy, unwanted texts.

Okay, I signed up and tried it, thinking, This is perfect! I don't actually want a real boyfriend; they're kind of a pain in the ass, messy, childish, and take a lot of time. And I'm too busy for that. I just want someone to say nice things to me and be fun to flirt with. Unfortunately my corporate boyfriend isn't


Everything about that explanation is super depressing.

That explains a lot. He was all sweet in the beginning, then funny, and then just confused.

For those who are curious how this actually works, from the New Zealand Herald:

3. Apparently we're all also that lacking in imagination. I concocted a boyfriend once upon a time ago to serve as some insulation against managers who thought the employees were their dating pool. All I had to do was make up a name and a job and occasionally mention we were going out for dinner. No one wants to read

I bet all Invisible Girlfriends live in the Niagara Falls area.