
It is worth noting that the man quoted above is 40 years old. One of the others is 39. Not really sure why he thought college girls were a workable strategy in this first place. I would have been extremely creeped out by a strange middle-aged man approaching me and giving me a ton of compliments and asking me weird

For some reason, that made me visualize an episode of the men sitting around pondering if stomach and back hair really matter, and if you do shave it, how much? 10 yr old effect? Grod the gorilla? Clean tummy, hairy pecs? Then they all learn a life lesson or something after two more episodes.

Don't worry, you are not weirder than those people who masturbate to velociraptor erotica.

So this movie's tagline could be 'putting the bust back in Ghostbusters.'

Exactly. It's why this is so insane to me. If movies were zero sum, we'd actually have lost about half the past with save-overs. Simple solution to the cry-babies: DON'T GO. It's pretty much how I handle the fact that Woody Allen and Roman Polanski are still making movies.

Brb pitching that RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.

Can the movie poster please also feature the cast walking arm-in-arm, laughing while all looking in different directions?

Of course they have no respect for the original, everyone knows feminists didn't have childhoods. They sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus, duh.

¥ Ghostbusters reboot cast(main characters) is entirely female. If that doesn't shut radical feminists up i don't know what else will. ¥

"Man back in mani pedi" is genius.

I honestly think it will be good, Bridesmaids is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen and I have faith in this cast and the writing! But I also think that it won't matter if it's actually good, the same people will just find a way to shit on it regardless :-(

I really hope they make this good so the same contingent of stupid people doesn't act all smugly and say shit like, "See? Can't make a good movie with women! HURR DERP."

The more I think about a gender swapped Sex and the City, the more I am intrigued. I'm just picturing a dude obsessed with shoes and his tumultuous relationship with a powerful, wealthy, commitment-phobe lady in a power suit.

yes please

Applause.gif. I don't know how to embed GIFs in the new Kinja system.

This is the most brilliant thing I've read all year.

Are there any actual human beings that are upset about this, because I haven't met any?

I was honestly pretty meh about this idea until the screeching backlash started.

*It's about Ethics in Our Childhoods.