
I look forward to the full-time challenge of getting my two teenagers through high school and into college, as well we preparing my 4-year-old daughter for nursery school. My goal is to continue my education beyond my master's degree and to continue my professional career. Also, I will continue to learn lessons from

This case makes me so angry. She fired a warning shot to protect herself from an abuser. No one was hurt or killed but they wanted to lock her up for the rest of her life. Other women her ex abused were not allowed to testify. While house arrest is better than being behind bars, she never should have been charged to

I wonder what kind of sentence he would have received if she'd just allowed him to beat the shit out of her. She's still not free, fuck our "justice" system.

The cops found her with at least three times the legal level of melanin in her system.

She injured white people's sense of security.

It is almost like there is an important difference between her and George Zimmerman, but I can't quite put my finger on what that is.

As a flaming lib'ral euro pinko, I struggle to understand the logic behind your sentencing system. This is just baffling. Who did she injure, the air? A roaming bird?

So, does anyone in Florida care about the fact that she didn't commit a crime?

The death penalty is by far our most outdated and barbaric practice. If you have spent any time outside of the US, you'll find that non-Americans point to it's continued use as proof of the sadism we allow to persist in our culture. It's disgusting. It's revolting. I don't care how awful someone is, how deserving of

Yes. Because the best message to send about how killing is fundamentally wrong and human life is not for others to take or violate is by...taking another life?

It's not warranted ever, because we are a civilized society and don't need to punish murder with murder, but goddamn if I don't hope some AWFUL traumas happen to him in prison.


Go plug the Facebook cord back in, I guess.

Whatever. All the framed pictures in the world won't bring back YOUR DAMN BEES!

This is the kind of thing that's really cute and hilarious and original this first time (when it was,you know, original) but then EVERYONE decides to start making quirky fun requests to their hotels and it loses its magic real fast. Props to the person who did this. No props to everyone who does it afterwards.

Easy: just imagine how terrible they would have been without Cage in them. The Wicker Man remake would have been completely forgettably terrible, for instance. He elevated it to highly memorably terrible. I haven't even seen the remake and I remember it.

I am the perpetrator of this scheme. Feel free to hire me for PR, since I'm apparently really good at it without trying.

Nic Cage is God.

I went searching for Nicolas Cage .gifs and look at this majesty.