
Um, not for nothing, but his posh upbringing is directly tied to that slave-owning past. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous.

I think you mean upper-class British families. This is very much a class thing. Lots of people from Scotland earned shit loads in slavery too. Basically anyone posh and/or wealthy from the 17th century till 1830s was a slave owner in some capacity. See Jane Eyre. People were well aware at the time. But slavery

If he thinks his background stops him getting jobs more than a working class kid

Yessssss! Ugh! I wish I could highlight your comment and move it to the top of this entire page.

Poor troll is poor.

"I have to know everything. Everything about white people and how they speak and how they perceive how I speak" - YES for all this!

Sorry to burst the bubble but Cumberbatch thinks there is a bias against upper class people in Britain. He is an asshole of epic proportions.

hey Jezzies, on at least two occasions, I have mentioned how Bennie Batch rubs me the wrong way because he comes off classist, elitist and blue-blooded, and I get about a dozen "why I never" gasps from the gallery. Um...stuff like this would be why, y'all! Yeah yeah, it's a good apology but...who the eff messes that

Sometimes white privlege flat out amazes me. Like, I'm Black. But, I'm still shocked at the level of ignorance (and I'm not using that as a diss) that white folks have when it comes to things that are basic to me. I mean, right here in this comment section we have white folks who don't understand the terms "colored,"

"A lot of people in real life have never heard the term "people of color"

You are referring to yourself as a victim?!?!?!?! Jeezus.

On the one hand, Cumberbatch's apology does seem sincere. On the other hand, I already didn't like Cumberbatch, so I would still like to use this event opportunistically to argue that I was right about him all along.

Jealous much?

It's going to be the equivalent of when ppl try to discuss Michael Fassbender and domestic violence. Ppl won't hear it.

Of course he gets a pass. He's Benedict Cumberbatch, right? I mean he's so cuuuute and adorable and such a good actor and so smarrrt and likeable and starzz int he movies that I loooove.


Never mind that he's a grown fucking man and should have known better. How informed could he possibly have been to talk about an

We're still speculating over whether or not Lupita Nyong'o and Jared Leto are a thing.

I don't think that in this day and age anyone should be using the word "colored", but I will say it doesn't carry the same stigma in other parts of the world as it does in the US.

It's already started. Like, do people have a Google alert set up for this sort of shit?

Solid apology but seriously? He is almost 40. You are just realizing that is a fucked up term? And his initial statement was about how it was an equal playing field between white people and those "coloreds." No it isn't, asshole. Ugh.

Benedict Cumberbatch has apologized for using the term "colored" in a conversation about race, saying that he is "devastated to have caused offense by using this outmoded terminology" and is sorry for "being an idiot."