
It's really smart to follow Selma with an tragic incident from recent years to highlight how little has fundamentally changed since then.

I wonder this, too. I mean, I would LOCK THAT SHIT DOWN.

Em, it's actually pretty weird

I'd say replicating a group of friends social media accounts for years is a mega shit ton weirder than snagging a pic for a fake tinder account. I'd say those things are miles apart on the weird scale.

Also, small complaint. I know this is a joke post; I kind of wish you put "perfected" in quotes. Maybe I'm being too picky but with all the stuff women face about making ourselves better I think it would make it more clear that it is all a joke? I dunno. Just a thought.

But ... but ... it's obviously a lady's responsibility to spend the copious amounts of money, go through the pain, deal with the frequent doc appointments and other inconveniences, and generally be responsible for birth control. You can't put sharp object near a man's wee-wee or junk evar! And condoms are just the wors

I'm not discounting your pain, but it is much easier to find a doctor who will perform a vasectomy than it is to find a doctor who will perform a tubal ligation—especially if you don't have kids, especially if you're under 40, etc. Everytime BC comes up here, there's a huge number of women who complain about wanting a

Yeah, that's not someone being sober.

Easier than a tubal ligation. Both physically, and in terms of finding a doctor who will do it.

You think Ryan Adams seems nice? He has a reputation for being one of the biggest assholes in rock. Bryan Adams, on the other hand, is a gentleman and a scholar.

Most permanent and semi-permanent birth controls hurt to some degree. I guarantee you vasectomies look like a cake walk compared to a hysterectomy or child birth.

Easy in comparison to an unwanted child and it's an outpatient procedure.

If you don't ever want children a vasectomy is a fairly easy procedure and can even be reversed should you change your mind.

I call shenanigans on those people not being able to see. First, the orchestra seats mean everyone looks up. Everyone can see fairly well. That's the whole point of the expensive orchestra seats.

I'm sorry, I've been to a few Broadway shows and seen the way people do their hair, and anyone who thinks your hair is somehow worse than the ridiculous up-dos (what's the proper plural for up-do?) that at least half the women are always wearing is a flaming racist. Not that you didn't already know that, but still.

This line- "you used to be nice but now you're mean" is the same logic a 5 year old has when they don't get their way. It's also the history of white people's thoughts on black people post slavery in a nutshell. We were SO NICE when we were shucking and jiving for them, but all this equality and respect business? SO

"I'm sure he's got a very different version of the story," says the floor manager.

You are not disgusting. HE is disgusting. Piece of shit.